November no more NaBloWriMo

I refuse to have NaBloWriMo withdrawals. My muse is clinging to a wall and giving me dirty looks. She can't handle it any more. NOVEMBER 1st is here - my 31 days of wondering "what to post today" is done and I DID it. Yeah! And if any of you are wondering, no freaking way am I participating in the NaNoWriMo this month. Do I have "crazy" written on my forehead? No, I don't. I just checked.

I'm curious, was the once a day blog posting too much for you to read and keep up with? What do you prefer? Reading a blog that post once a day or a couple of times a week?

Don't be concerned if I don't post for a couple of days... or longer... I'm taking a blogging break. I want to catch up on blog reading and beading.

In case you missed out on any of the blog posts, here's a list with links:

Day 1 - NaBloWriMo - what it's all about.
Day 2 - Update on the carport and a Question for the readers (dispute with Greg about hubcaps)
Day 3 - The trick that Greg played on me and doing the same to him
Day 4 - Thank God for Firemen!
Day 5 - Why Tigger is like Garfield
Day 6 - Why the chicken crossed the road (I admit I was having writer's block)
Day 7 - Unconditional, a story without being able to tell it
Day 8 - Dead House Walking - New Orleans
Day 9 - Squirrat - have you seen one of these?!
Day 10 - What's lurking in YOUR car
Day 11 - A-Door-able
Day 12 - Greg's email about moons
Day 13 - What I miss about childhood
Day 14 - How I became a Loan Shark
Day 15 - Metal Etching - Jewelry
Day 16 - Credit Card Crunch
Day 17 - Decorating for Halloween
Day 18 - Meet Sophia and Kayla
Day 19 - Greg's Guest Blog Post about Steak
Day 20 - Greg's 30 Year High School Reunion
Day 21 - Father Ken Ritter's nomination as a bishop candidate
Day 22 - Aleta in Angola Prison (Rodeo)
Day 23 - Check out my Mother-in-Law's talent!
Day 24 - You've got Mail
Day 25 - Candle Making
Day 26 - Memory Lane walk with my brother
Day 27 - Sunsets
Day 28 - 40 trips around the sun - Celebration
Day 29 - Guest Blog - Get Thee To A Library
Day 30 - Bone Voyage - spooky and historical - must read
Day 31 - Happy Halloween - 31 days down!


Kavi said…
Congratulations ! Thats some spirit indeed !! To complete a post a day, isnt easy at all !
A New Yorker said…
Congrats. I like new posts each day!
The Forscheins said…
I must say...I liked reading them once a day! But I totally understand that it must have been A LOT harder to write them every day. I don't blame you for taking a few days' break!!! You've earned it Aleta!
septembermom said…
It doesn't matter to me how often you write. I do know that I so ENJOY your words when I come by to visit :) You did a great job! They were really terrific posts.
Nicki said…
Congratulations!!! You did a terrific job -- what an accomplishment to have followed through like that! I am embarking on a daily journey of blogging in November -- wish me luck, and thanks for the inspiration! :)
Kimberly said…
I'm kicking off mine today. I don't know what I'm thinking. But, wish me luck!

Congrats to you!
Sharon said…
congrats! I would be too scared to even try, let alone finish. Well done!
Jen's Farmily said…
Congratulations! I go through blogging spurts, but I can't imagine thinking up interesting topics for 31 days in a row! You go girl! ;)
Joanna Jenkins said…
Posting everyday is HARD. Congrats for making it happen. Best I can do is 2-3 a week max. I run out of time. Great job!

Lisa said…
I'm glad I got to meet you and your blog during this challenge. It has been very nice having it to read every day, but I totally understand your not wanting to do it every day.
Reading a blog a day was fun but don't ever ask me to write one. Well, actually I did it once and it was not easy.
RGB said…
You did a good job indeed. I enjoyed reading your posts...missed out a few I guess (will catchup when I can). Even if you can't post one each day, do keep up the spirit.
Tia said…
i'm doing nablopomo this month... i've never tried nanowrimo, but i might give it a whirl someday.
prashant said…
I do know that I so ENJOY your words when I come by to visit :) You did a great job! They were really terrific posts Work From Home
larkswing said…
You did it! I enjoy your post, but as you can see by the date this is coming in, I don't always get to get by to read it then. Congrats on ending the month with a daily post!