Day 3 NaBloWriMo

Day 3 NaBloWriMo

About a month or so ago, Greg asked, “Aleta, do you think you are an observant person?” I replied, “Not particularly.” He was surprised with my response, but hey, I’m honest. Often times my eyes have to over compensate for my lack of hearing, so I miss a lot of things a person would normally notice.

That afternoon, Greg said, “I moved something in the house and you’ve walked by it countless times and you never noticed it.”

This is a watercolor painting I painted a couple of years ago. I have it hanging in the hallway. This is how it normally looks. And I recall walking by it and thinking, “Something isn’t right…?” But I didn’t stop, it was one of those “mother nature is calling” moments and I didn’t take the time to stop, nor did I stop and look at it when I went back to the main room.

I asked Greg what it was that he changed and he answered, “I’m not saying. You’ll eventually find it now that I told you about it.” Not soon after, I was going into the hallway and “click” the light bulb went off. This is what he did to the painting.

Sooooo, with that little game in mind. The other day, I was out with my friend, Gwen. We went to a couple of different stores and I happened to mention the hubcap conversation with her and saying I’d like to get new hubcaps. She told me about Hubcap Heaven on Airline Highway, which wasn’t far from where we were. I asked if she wouldn’t mind if we stopped in, if nothing else to get a price quote.

I knew that the Chevy hubcaps cost 125 EACH, hence the reason I never bought the other three. That’s far too much for a hubcap. When the guy came back with a quote of 60 dollars for ALL four and he would put them on – WOO HOO, oh yeah, I got them right then and there!

While I was signing for the price, I told Gwen, “I’m not going to tell Greg. I’m going to see if he notices, which he probably will, because he’s always making fun of my white trash newly painted car! I’m going to see how long it takes HIM to notice the difference!” The guy at Hubcap Heaven said, “Oh, that’s mean!” I replied, “Not so, he started the “notice the difference” game and I’m going to see how good he is at it.”

I drove up, all happy about the hubcaps. When I came in, I asked the question that he asked me, “How observant do you think you are?” He answered, “About average, I guess.” And I left it at that.

That same day, he was in and out of the carport, because he was moving stuff around after the work was finished on the carport. Every time he came inside, I was expecting to hear him say something, to notice… but he didn’t.

Gwen said I should have waited to see how many days it took him, but I couldn’t help it! That afternoon I told him, “I changed something and you’ve passed by it 20 times today and didn’t notice.” I even said, “You can see it from here.” (We were in the office room and the door to the carport was wide open and the car tire was right there, clear as day with the hubcap.) Eventually I had to tell him to look out the door and he was Very Surprised. And now, I have to pose a different question. Greg believes that I "misrepresented" him in the last post. *cough* So, he wanted me to ask my blogger friends, "If you were going to sell your vehicle and you don't have hubcaps. Would you buy new hubcaps before selling the vehicle?"


I love that painting! My kitchen is decorated in peppers and that would look just perfect in there. =)
Anonymous said…
i love the painting also.

im not so sure about the answer to your question...i've never actually sold a car, only traded it in for a new model at the dealership, and by that point im usually like get this car away from me, i know longer care about it.

i guess if i was planning on selling a car, id probably wait until i found a buyer who was willing to give me the price im asking, and then if they wanted hubcaps, i'd see what i could do.
septembermom said…
Love that painting. The colors are wonderful.

I think I would leave the original hubcaps, unless they were in horrible condition.
the painting is phenomenal and i am also oblivious to anything different in my house, unless things are missing!

found you via my blog friend hill billy duhn and now following
wait, you painted that gorgeous pic??????
Lisa said…
My brother and I did the hang the picture upside down trick to my mom, who was incredibly unobservant. Though I think most people don't notice their regular environments no matter how observant they are.
Tabitha Blue said…
Haha, love that... playing his game!! Go girl, and what a great deal!!!


Aleta said…
Thanks everyone for the compliments on the painting. It's one of my favorites :)
Beverly Herman said…
I don't think I would buy hubcaps if I was going to sell or trade in my vehicle. It's too old and would not bring up the value. I am missing a hubcap though. Great painting Aleta!
P.S I think Greg should have noticed the hubcaps after so many clues *grin*
That pepper painting is gorgeous before AND after. What a talent you are!

p.s. Thanks so much for stopping by last week on my SITS feature day!
Holly said…
OOOHhhh, LOVE the pepper painting! You are so talented! I try my hand at watercolors every now and then, but any art form needs practice, which requires time, which I have precious little of. One day.....

Tell Greg that's a cheap shot trying to manipulate the hubcaps into being more important because the car was being sold! :-) Tell him to face the music, and realize that hubcaps are nothing more than a materialist thing and really not important in the car's function what-so-ever! :-)