Day 4 NaBloWriMo Sunday Citar

Day 4 NaBloWriMo – Sunday Citar

"I have no ambition in this world but one, and that is to be a fireman. The position may, in the eyes of some, appear to be a lowly one; but we who know the work which the fireman has to do believe that his is a noble calling. Our proudest moment is to save lives." - Edward F. Croker

On Saturday morning, Greg and I were getting ready to go to Cafe La Te Da for breakfast. As we were nearing Greg's vehicle, we saw black smoke and realized it was coming from the street behind ours.

We decided to walk over and see what happened as a firetruck was parked on the corner to our house. The closer we got to the smoke, the quicker our steps... we couldn't tell if it was our friend's home (Matthew and Cindy) or the house next to them.

It was the house next to our friends and thankfully, nobody was hurt.

Matthew was the one who noticed the fire next door as it blazed through a window. What woke him up was noise from the neighbors and when he told Cindy to call 911, she replied, "Why? Because of noise?" That's when he told her about the flames and he went outside to get everyone out and took up a water hose. When the fireman came, they told Matthew to step aside. Greg said, "That's good. You never know what a person has in their home. Look at Matthew and I, we have guns and bullets for our competitive shooting."

Another quote to share:

"If Prometheus was worthy of the wrath of heaven for kindling the first fire upon earth, how ought all the gods honor the men who make it their professional business to put it out?" John Godfrey Saxe

As the flames were put out, we saw a HUGE rainbow that seemed to arch right over their home!

Another quick story.... Greg was cooking fresh trout on the grill outside as well as inside the stove in the kitchen. He brought the fish in from the grill and put sausage on the grill, closed the lid to cook and went inside to take the other fish out of the stove. When he did so, the phone rang, the doorbell rang and I came home. So many things to think of and one thing to forget... the sausage on the grill! Greg went outside and I heard voices. When he came back in, Greg said, "There's a lot of smoke from the burnt sausage. I went outside and a man was running into our backyard! He lives across the street and is a fireman. He came running because he saw the smoke and thought our house was on fire." Thank you, Fireman, for running over so quickly. I'm glad it wasn't a real cause, but thank you!

God Bless the Firemen!

"Firefighters save hearts and homes." - Author Unknown


Unknown said…
What great stories! So glad your neighbors were not harmed! LOVE the rainbow : ) and how nice of the fireman next door to come running to protect your family! Glad he didn't have any work to do at your house! Phew! Your blog is very pretty.
high over happy said…
Thank for the reminder — public service is not appreciated enough everywhere!
Anonymous said…
I'm so glad everyone was safe!
thanks for sharing those great stories and look at you with your on-the-spot pics! impressive!

wanted to say i was attracted to you b/c i LOVE fleur-de-lis - it was my sorority's symbol (oh boy now you're gonna hate me!) and so here i am

here fishy fishy :)
i have not - we didn't have alpha z's - is that what u were called i was a kappa kappa gamma

someday when i think of a good one, i will but it might just be a generalized DON'T HATE ME B/C I'M A SORORITY GIRL or something along that line
Crystal Rae said…
That is crazy . I'm so glad no body was harmed. :) Thanks for sharing.
A New Yorker said…
We had fireman in our bldg two nights ago. Thank goodness no fire. The alarm was coming from across the street and wasnt even a fire alarm. Just beep beep beep over and over from the stupid door being open. Glad everyone was alright in your hood Aleta.
Beverly Herman said…
Aleta, my husband used to be a fireman. God Bless the firemen and keep them safe as they work to put out fires and save lives. It is a hard job. Glad to hear everyone escaped safely in your neighborhood.
septembermom said…
Firefighters truly do deserve our thanks and recognition.

Glad that everyone was o.k.

Love your quote today!
oh my! house fires scare me so much. I'm so glad everyone is okay. whew....

have a good week.
Holly said…
I hope they didn't loose much - I think the most devastating to me would be to loose photos that I couldn't replace. Well, that's assuming everyone, including all fur balls of various species, got out okay.
Lisa said…
We live down the block from a fire station and I feel truly blessed to be so close. They are absolute heroes.