Day 24 NaBloWriMo Email

One of my friends suggested this as a blog topic:

(I'm really running low on ideas, toss some to the comments if there's something you'd like me to post about or want to know!)

"Is there a person that is not close to you (vicinity) that you enjoy hearing from on a daily basis? If you did not hear from them you would think something was wrong etc..."

The first person that immediately comes to mind is my cousin, Holly, from Maryland. We used to snail mail before there was email. Our letters were handwritten and we decorated the envelopes. So much so that my Dad often wondered if the mailman would be able to find the address of where the letter was supposed to be delivered! We were young girls, what can I say? I still remember the puppy dog and cats that we would draw on the envelopes and the "SMILE SILLY" messages.

Now, the wonders of technology have opened up fast communication. If I don't hear from Holly and it's during the school year, she's either busy with her classes, with the school where she works in the office or with activities going on for her three children. If a lot of days go by, yes, I worry. I'll drop a note and ask what's going on. Even if she just writes a quick, "Hey, I'm busy." I feel better. If it's been far too long, a phone call is in order!

The next person to come to mind is Kristen. She lived in Mississippi, but is a Louisianaian again, still hours away though. Sometimes our emails are vent session, other times we're sharing something funny going on in life. It seems our lives parallel a lot, hence we have an understanding without needing detail.

There are friends who live close by that I hear from daily via email; one is cautious about the Internet, so I won't mention a name, but she knows who she is. *hugs*

And there are friends who I have to tug and pull and ask, "Hellooooo, earth to friend, anyone home?" That’ll usually get a response.

FB keeps me in touch with people. It's great for one-liner catching up on life sort of communication.

And there's always my blog. Family/Friends read it and tell me afterwards that they stay up on my life via FleurdeAleta. Nice to know. :)


Jen's Farmily said…
My cousin and I used to write each other like that. One week I wrote her once a day every day. I used to love getting (snail)maiL!
septembermom said…
Love how email can keep us all in touch. I rely on it a lot.

Would you be interested in one of those "questions about you" posts? I have the questions from one that I did once if you would like to try it?
Holly said…
There are some people I want to hear from every single day, and yes indeed, I worry when I don't. Well, maybe not so much worry, but it makes me be not quite so chipper, and then when I hear form them, it lights me up. There are others I hear from damn near every single day, and I could do without it! :-) Funny how that works.
Lisa said…
You and your cousin Holly decorating the envelopes like crazy really made me smile. It reminds me of me and my best friend from childhood. Email just isn't quite the same thing as a handwritten letter.
A New Yorker said…
Sex I want to hear about sex...because those that aren't getting any need something to live through. LMAO!
The Forscheins said…
There is indeed nothing like a handwritten letter though it takes much longer than an email..