Ending the Year with Family and Friends
The end of our year brought on a visit with family and friends. What a blessing :) Cammie and Collin were in town for us to celebrate Cammie's 15th birthday party. And we found out that one of our friends (he's part of the family, we've known Rene for so long) was in town as well. Lucky for us, we were able to visit with everyone and even had some time to put up Mardi Gras decorations. Below are some pictures: Cammie's 15th Birthday Party: Someone forgot to sign the card :) Greg's brother, Jerry, and his two kids (Collin and Cammie) For more pictures, click here. After the birthday party, we met up with Rene for supper at Zea's restaurant. Rene sent us a Christmas present.... a book of "art" *COUGH* It was the art of motorcycles!! But Rene made sure to point out, "Tell Aleta the word "art" is in there." Uh Huh :) See, Greg, I'm not the only one who takes pictures of food! Below is a picture...