
Letter to my son

Dear Son,   Six years.  I remember the first day of Kindergarten at Airline Park Advanced Academy Elementary School.  We were both so nervous.  You went from a small pre-k school, St. Augustine’s, that was loving and welcoming to both students and parents... to a large elementary school.  I wasn’t used to dropping you off at the front door and letting you go.  You gave me a big hug and waved as you walked in.  Six years at APAAS.  You were so much smaller than me, but by the end of your adventure there, you were on eye level.  Okay, okay, maybe just a smidge taller.  Just a Smidge, I won’t give any more than that.     11 years old and you have grown so much during your time at APAAS.  Such important years and so many experiences, from learning to navigate a large campus, understanding the importance of personal responsibility with regards to home work, adjusting your behavior with other students who come from a variety of upbringing and how to value a wonderful education.  You are so f

Silence is Golden, But Not When It's Unwanted

Today I walked into a center where they sell hearing aids.  I filled out the application and gave them the hearing test from the ENT, which was all Greek to me.  I sat down and the first thing the guy said was, “I have to know your story.  We normally don’t see people with this kind of hearing loss at such a young age.”   Most people don’t know I have a hearing deficiency.  If you call out my name and I don’t turn, don’t think I’m being rude.  Just wave your arms, that’ll catch my attention.  Sure, I can hear, not totally deaf.  My husband didn’t believe for the longest time that I have a hearing problem.  I guess he thinks I’m just ignoring him.  Well, I’ll let you in on a secret, not being able to hear well does help to ignore certain irritants.  Lol  But mostly, it’s exhausting.   We don’t go to movies any more, which given the cost of tickets and popcorn, it’s not a big loss.  When the movies were affordable, I would have to take a Tylenol before the show, so I wouldn’t walk out of

Trip to Southern Ireland

Greg and I accomplished a joint bucket list!  When we first started dating, one of the things we agreed on is that we would love to one day see Ireland.  How fortunate that we are able to do so and to share this bucket dream list come true with our son!  Greg told me to make the plans; he said he wanted to stay in one place, much like how we did in Venice.  I agreed that the one place in Venice worked well, this way we wouldn’t have to pack and unpack constantly at different locations.  With some research, I found flights and a farmhouse and we booked the tickets back in October with plans to go in February.  Ireland was an amazing experience!     I’ll say from the start that the people in Ireland are eager to talk if you are willing to do so. They will ask where you are from, how long you are staying and wait to see if you are willing to share and open up.  They are happy to help if you have a question and are incredibly kind people.  They are genuinely good people!  They keep Ireland