Letter to My Son
Dear Son, When you learn how to count to three, it should be an easy task. You started responding to 1….2….3….. in the womb. The only way I could get you to give the kick counts for the non-stress test when I was pregnant was when your Daddy would lean into my stomach and say, “One… Two… THREEEEEEEEE…” And you kicked up a storm in my womb. Now, when we count to three, you get a raspberry on your tummy or we tickle your toes. When we start with “one” – your eyes get saucer wide! Your Daddy loves that look on you. I love your smiles, of course, but I think your “Kisses” face is my favorite. Last Sunday was the first time you went to church. The minister talked about the Boston bombing and focused on how people were “at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and did the right thing” meaning the first responders, etc. This was after The First Reading, Acts 9:36-43. Rev. AJ followed it up by sayi...