
Showing posts from March, 2012

Self Driving Car


High Tech Beader

I was thinking about doing some instructional beading videos. I didn’t want to use a video camera, because I want to look through the video lens at the same time as I’m beading… With a video camera stationary, I have to hope it is angled correctly and will show what I want it to show as I’m beading. So, I thought, “Hmmm, iPad might work.” I tried it with a stand that I have. Using the feature where the camera is showing what’s on the other side. I could see what was showing on the video right in front of me. Only problem, the iPad is too big for me to reach around and bead while looking at the same time. I had to move my hands outside of the viewing area to thread the beads and that breaks the continuity of the instruction. The iPhone is the best option… however, my iPhone didn’t have a stand. I showed my creative husband what I needed and he made a stand for me. It’s great, because I can move it at many different angles to get it just right. My husband took a video of me whil...

Found Dog

The phone just rang and my husband answered it. A lady said, "We found your dog!" Greg replied, "She's not lost." The lady insisted, "But we have Penny. Right here. Didn't you have a lost animal?" My husband said, "That was a cat and the cat was found. Our dog was never lost." She repeated, "Uh, but we have your dog. We found your dog. Here on the corner of Lafreniere and Hall." Greg laughed, "That's where we live! We have a radio fence." My husband and I couldn't stop laughing. At least we know people will read the phone numbers on the tag. Greg said, "It was a conversation of dumb and dumber. She kept insisting she found our dog."

Professor from Prescott Arizona


What is Romance

Family and friends have asked, "Why haven't you updated your Fleur de Aleta blog lately?" Because I'm sick. Literally. Sinus infection and Bronchitis. Not fun. No details will be given, promise. Who wants to read about icky stuff, right? What have I been up to though? Other than typical house chores, working with my husband to get his house sold (it's still on the market), beading (will get to that in a moment), looking for a job (a story for another time) making my husband feel guilty that he doesn't buy flowers... Oh, umm, what was that? No, I didn't try to make him feel guilty. It was just one of those moments. My husband's credit card information was stolen. The person used it to buy some weird things AND... flowers. That's when I gave a *snort* laugh and said, "Well, I KNOW that wasn't you, because you don't buy flowers!" My husband doesn't like to buy flowers, because he says, "The minute the flowers are ...

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