Evacuation Meal
Mother Nature has us on pins and needles. We decided to evacuate last night. I'm someone who rarely drives the Interstate. I live within 10 minutes from work, with stores within close proximity of home, so the Interstate just isn't a daily part of my life. (I'll make the exception for a Cat 4 hurricane, which is what Gustav was when we left.) So, there I was, nervous about driving (Greg was in no way in any condition to drive), it was late so I was tired, traffic was bumper to bumper and people on edge were riding on the same road. I remember why I don't drive much at night (because of nightblindness and my eyes were getting dry so I'd have to blink them rapidly because it would get blurry for a second) and then it started to rain. But I got us safely to Hammond, counting that as a blessing (especially when Greg said, "The last time I drove in rain, it didn't have a good ending" which only more put my nerves on end and made me want to cry. That wasn...