Never Liked Bowling

never liked bowling

the shoes were uncomfortable
fingers would slip, the ball
too heavy, the gutters too large

should be a simple thing
a lane, a ball, a goal, but it's
a game of suitable speed and
distance and spin, that perfect

combination and strategy of
unlimited array of variations,
line of delivery of swinging and
swerving, everyone has an

opinion of how to track the
technique, what factors come
into play for where it will land
within the cone of pins, more to

the left, a jump to the right, a
spin that wasn't plotted and
a stride of deceleration towards
the map of possibilities, holding

a pose and breath to see what
falls, the bowling balls keep
coming up, waiting to strike if the
mark didn't get it the first time

setting up the pattern sheet,
like tracking this season of
hurricanes, Mother Nature plays
a similar game only she does it

with wind and rain, those round
clouds, barreling down the
Atlantic alley into the gulf of pins

never did like bowling

I can't stand the Hurricane Season, but I have to admit that Mother Nature doesn't just target the Gulf Waters either. Feels like it sometimes, but I know better. I'm concerned how Greg will handle a drive if we decide to evacuate.

Like everyone else in the area, I've searched the tracking maps and images of Hurricane Gustav. I came across this one and when I saw the "face" on the top, far right, it made me look twice.

Do you see it? Freaks me out a little.
We don't know where Gustav is going. We just know that he is and we have to prepare as best as we can, while sitting on those pins, waiting to see if we get hit. Our area has a contraflow for traffic evacuation, if anyone wants to look it over, click here.


GypsiAdventure said…
Dear Aleta...Thank you for the kind words today, I really appreciate you sharing your thoughts. I too have been watching the hurricane track and can't imagine going thru all of that again. I am keeping you and greg in my thoughts and prayers, hopefully this will not strike home - please let me know if there is anything you need!
Vikki North said…
Hi Aleta and Greg,
I just read the previous blog entries and found myself in tears reading Aleta’s words about the accident. You are very blessed indeed Greg. God’s hand was definitely on your shoulder.

You both have so many wonderful things ahead you now and such a wonderful supporting family. Whatever life brings, I have no doubt you’ll deal with it together as just another adventure in a string of many.

Thank you both for sharing your happiness and life with us.
(And by the way- I don't like bowling either!)
Aleta said…
Hi Kel ~ On the 3 year anniversary of Katrina, you would think Mother Nature would find some kindness. Some people are saying that we're over-reacting, others are saying we aren't moving quick enough. For those of us who aren't moving fast enough, it's the hope (delusion?) that it won't come this way... it just can't....

Hi Vikki ~ I find myself in tears if I think about it too much. I have to focus on Greg's health and make sure he is safe, so that helps to keep my mind occupied. We are both very blessed with family and friends and it reminds us yet again what truly matters in life.

Thank you both for your kind comments and thoughts.
