
Showing posts from May, 2009


I thought I’d share some emails with you. What you are about to read is not gibberish. It IS umm… English ~ It’s a Lesterism . Here’s an email from Dad to Greg: “LISSEN UP,, I BIN YAKIN TO GAY'S BRUDA SUNNY OUT IN CALIF THE SHAKE N BAKE PLACE BOUT JUMPIN OUT YUNDA DURIN BIRD DAY IN NOV , SUSPEC LEAVE RUND SAT OR SUN 4 THANKSGIVIN N COME BAC ON THAT FRIDAY OR SAT AFTA SO IS YA OPEN I KNOW I STOLE YA FRUM YA MAMA LAST YR N I DANG SHUR DUNT WUNNA GIT ON HER BAD SIDE,, SHEESH ,, I DUN HERD AWFUL THINGS BOUT UDAS WHO DUNNIT ,, SO LET ME NO YA THOUGHTS ,, SO I KIN RED YA THE RITE ACT ,, HEHEHE,, LADA” Are you lost? Greg forwarded Dad’s message to his Mom and she responded with: “If you're asking if I would mind if you go to California during Thanksgiving week, go and enjoy. However, can you explain one part I don't understand? "I dun heard awful things bout udas who dunnit". Translate, please.” Greg wrote back: “LOL You should see the smile on my face right now. One of ...

Laugh and Cry

I’ve been such a bad blogger lately! Vacation didn’t even correct the matter, most likely because time was needed to recuperate away from the computer. Also, any time that I thought I’d have free to type, friends called to meet me for lunch or there was a doctor’s appointment to go to, etc. All in all, a good vacation! Instead of droning on and on about various things that happened, I’ll share a link for pictures recently uploaded to Picasa. But first, this picture ~ makes me laugh and cry. Cry, because of the pain – O.U.C.H. Laugh ~ well, because it’s better than crying. And, because I KNEW better. People say, “Oh, Aleta, your skin is only slightly pink.” But I know my own skin. When I’m pink from being outside in the sun, it means that af ter my skin has cooled off, I’m going to look like a boiled crawfish. It’s not pretty. But what’s even worse? I had on a necklace. The burn didn’t get under the necklace, so now it looks like I have a white ring around my neck! (Kristen, my loving f...

Dove Porn

Blog Title: Dove Porn That's a horrible title, isn't it? If you've read my blog before, you know about the baby dove story , where we saved the dove's life. After that experience, the dove still tried to make another nest on the garage motor. Greg put latticework around it, giving no free entrance for twigs. However, the doves are determined and nested ~ again.... on the top of our AC unit. We didn't move the dove's nest from the unit. At least there wasn't a motor barreling through the nest or a light fixture for the baby doves to fall into. Mother Dove made her nest and sure enough, she had two eggs. We don't know when the baby doves hatched, but one day Greg and I looked at the nest and two healthy baby doves were popping their head over the nest. I was able to catch a picture of them. Within a day or so later, the baby doves had flown the coop! I thought that would be the end of dove making season. Greg sent me an email to prove me wrong: "2 Ad...

Sinking Feeling

On Thursday night, as typical of any night, I check all the doors to the house before going to bed. We live in a good neighborhood, but my parents raised me that way and I figure it's better safe than sorry. I walked into the office room, checked both doors and where there is a step up into the kitchen from the office, I noticed something wet on the floor. My first thought was, "Ut oh, Pebbles had an accident." Then I realized she was in the office all that time, so this couldn't have been the case. As I looked closer, I saw it was a moving puddle and getting larger by the second. I grabbed towels and called out to Greg. I hated to wake him up, especially as he just put his cpap mask on and it was late at night. Greg tried to pull out the dishwasher, but we couldn't because the new tile floor, well, it was higher than the old tile floor. Greg took off the bottom faceplate of the dishwasher and we could see a lot of water and it was moving. With flashlights and tow...