I thought I’d share some emails with you. What you are about to read is not gibberish. It IS umm… English ~ It’s a Lesterism . Here’s an email from Dad to Greg: “LISSEN UP,, I BIN YAKIN TO GAY'S BRUDA SUNNY OUT IN CALIF THE SHAKE N BAKE PLACE BOUT JUMPIN OUT YUNDA DURIN BIRD DAY IN NOV , SUSPEC LEAVE RUND SAT OR SUN 4 THANKSGIVIN N COME BAC ON THAT FRIDAY OR SAT AFTA SO IS YA OPEN I KNOW I STOLE YA FRUM YA MAMA LAST YR N I DANG SHUR DUNT WUNNA GIT ON HER BAD SIDE,, SHEESH ,, I DUN HERD AWFUL THINGS BOUT UDAS WHO DUNNIT ,, SO LET ME NO YA THOUGHTS ,, SO I KIN RED YA THE RITE ACT ,, HEHEHE,, LADA” Are you lost? Greg forwarded Dad’s message to his Mom and she responded with: “If you're asking if I would mind if you go to California during Thanksgiving week, go and enjoy. However, can you explain one part I don't understand? "I dun heard awful things bout udas who dunnit". Translate, please.” Greg wrote back: “LOL You should see the smile on my face right now. One of ...