Letter to my son
Dear Son, The teacher invited parents to come to share their work with the children. One parent works for a judge. The classroom became a court house. Kids took turn as either a judge or an attorney. One of the mommies took pictures and sent me text messages, with the comment, "Gregory looks cute as a judge." You were wearing the judge's gown and had the gavel in your hand. You looked adorable. Your daddy said, "Supreme Court Justice Gregory O'Brien has a nice ring to it." When it was your turn to be an attorney, you had to defend your teacher, Mrs. Kim. Mrs. Kim had a toy and didn't want to share. It was your responsibility to represent her. Instead, you looked at the judge and said, "Mrs. Kim should share her toy." Mrs. Kim tried to explain that you needed to help her with her defense. You would not budge. It seems that we have raised you a little too right. Mrs. Kim had to find a new attorney. ...