Letter to My Son
Dear Son, We are ending another year, saying Goodbye to 2016. This year your ability to understand what's going on around you has grown in leaps and bounds. This Christmas, it wasn't just about the wrapping paper or the bright lights. It was about Christmas, Baby Jesus, giving and receiving, Santa and being on the "nice" list, the consequences of your actions, writing letters to Santa (Oma was a big help in working with your writing skills) and singing joyful songs. At your school Christmas performance, you sang loud and clear, did the hand motions (for instance, hands above your head for "antlers") and even deepened your voice to represent Santa. Your teacher told us before how you do great with knowing the words to the songs and how loud you are when you sing... it's one thing to hear it from your teacher, but really cool to see it in a performance. Your behavior at school is fantastic! You rarely have your banana in the yellow. Though one ...