Which Came First

This post will have adult content, no cuss words, but the content is adult. It’s all biological stuff, but I know many readers have children and I want to give fair warning if a child is around.

Given that Greg brought the topic up at a posh restaurant with some friends over supper, I figure it’s OK to oh, share with my blog friends!

This past week was my doctor week. I can’t stand taking off work for appointments and if I have the appointments strewn throughout the year, it’s most likely I’ll find a reason to cancel or forget. But if I have it all done within one week, it’s harder to ignore. These appointments include: female visit, primary care, eye exam, hearing exam and also a visit to the DMV for a renewed driver’s license. Each is a story in and of itself, but one in particular….

I went to the female doctor. No, I won’t go into the details of such. My doctor asked if Greg and I were planning on having a family and about our ages. She mentioned the tick-tock of the biological clock and advised that we should get tested to consider for future options. Well, I was all about testing this week, so figured why not? I had to get my thyroid test done anyway, because I have hypothyroidism, so why not look at the hormones as well?

What I didn’t expect was for her to come back with other information, such as me needing to get a mammogram (never had one and I’m turning 39 on Tuesday, Oct 28th). I figured I had until the age of 40 to go through that misery.

When I came home, I told Greg about the visit and… how to say this delicately? I handed him a container with a yellow lid and his name along the side and said, “Doc said he needs a sample.” He looked at me incredulously and replied, “Of what?!” When I explained, he said, “No way is someone going to look at my squiggles.”

Greg did eventually come around to the idea, but then I read the instructions (yes, instructions). He has to bring the container to the research place within an hour and keep the container close to his body for body temperature. Ok, that sounds doable, with Greg saying, “I’m not handing it over to anyone. Did they give a bag to put this in? You give it to them!”

As I said, he was open to the idea, but only after some hilarious remarks and some totally crass ones, such as, looking sweet at me and saying, “When I look deep into your eyes, you make me.., you make me want to fill up a cup.” I had to bust out laughing! Greg said, “I’m glad you get my sense of humor.”

It was towards the end of the day and I wanted to find out the directions to where the research place was; I called and asked. The lady who answered the phone immediately said, “Do you have an appointment?”

I replied, “No Ma’am, but this is to drop off a.. umm..”

She responded, “You MUST have an appointment.”

I insisted, “But this isn’t for a doctor visit, this is just to drop off a container.”

She would not budge, “Yes, you need an appointment for that.”

I could have sworn we were having communication problems at this point, “Just to drop off something? Really?”

Then she explained, “It takes me 3 hours to work on the sample. It’s already 4pm and we leave at 5pm.”

I’m a little slow sometimes, “So, you’re telling me that he needs an appointment to drop off the sample.”

She continued, “The next available time is on Tuesday.”

I hung up the phone and shook my head. No way would a man want to go through this and keep it close to his body and drop it off within an hour AND do it on a time schedule! I can just picture Tuesday, “OK Honey, the appointment is for 2pm, so at 1pm, go on and get busy!” Yeah. Not. I didn’t make the appointment for Greg.

Greg said, “Do you think this is what they did in the olden days? They didn’t have a plastic cup in front of them. No, they just tried and tried until they got it done. That’s the beauty of s.e.x.”

Greg’s view of doctors and prescriptions and whatnots aren’t good as it stands. As he says, “How is it that with modern technology the way it is, all of the procedures doctors can do these days, but we can’t cure something like the common cold or cure diabetes?! They don’t want to cure these things because it makes more money to give the patients pills that will keep the disease in check but not cure it and in the meantime give you more side affects that need more prescriptions.”

I’m not disagreeing, after all if we can make a cat glow in the dark (have you read that article?), why can’t we cure illnesses? Then again, I also believe that science isn’t a science. It’s a trial and error thing that we drift through. We put a lot of faith in doctors, because we have to.

Ok, another funny story… Rob and Roda were at a restaurant. The waitress came over to ask if they needed anything. Roda asked for a “tissue.” The waitress was a little confused and then said, “Oh! You need a napkin.” She left to get the linen. Roda turned to Rob and emphatically said, “When you go to the Philippines NEVER ask for a napkin!” Rob asked why and Roda replied, “Because they’ll think you’re asking for a Sanitary Napkin!” Oh the joys of communication.

To totally change the subject or maybe get back to the original thought ~ which came first, the chicken or the egg, maybe we should ask these guys? (Picture taken at Lafrienere Park of roosters and hens)


I suppose you could suggest to your husband that you could______ in the parking lot outside the laboratory's office, therefore providing an exciting and very fresh sample and I can't believe I am writing this.....
Anonymous said…
YEah that was my thought as well... it would be my first Car Jacking.. heh heh
Debbie Y. said…
When my ex and I were trying to get pregnant, the doctor told me he could check both my husbands "squiggles" at the same time he checked me, by us having sex first thing in the morning and then me proceeding straight to his office where he would get a sample of both our bodily fluids. Yeah, I know that sounds embarrassing, but no more so than Greg having to fill a cup on a schedule. You might suggest that to your Gyno. I had to have my tubes blown and I took severe months of Clomid. I was overweight and had problems with the menses. And yes there is strong adult content being commented on in this blog section.
Anonymous said…
i love both of these stories. they gave me a good sunday morning chuckle.

oh and gregs car jacking joke above: also quite funny.

Being that precise is a bit of a turn-off, but after all, it's just once... and given how often guys are supposed to, uh, self-pleasure, not really that big of a deal.
They should have told you PRIOR about needing the appointment for drop-off.
A New Yorker said…
Why don't you try the old fashion way and if you are having trouble THEN you give the sample. Just seems like common sense to me. 39--gives me hope. Happy Birthday!!!
the Bag Lady said…
Loved this post! And Gregs' comment totally cracked me up!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Anonymous said…
Any way you could take it in for him? A girlfriend of mine took her hubby's in for him....he couldn't leave work. They um "took care of it" in his office and she kept it warm between "the girls". :)

I thought that was funny. It was a good thing they got it tested too....there was nothing there unfortunately. :(
Karen said…
This post made me smile as I could just picture the look on Greg's face when you produced the container. Men are so funny about things like that.

I kind of agree with Lauren here. There might not even be a need for him to do the test. Maybe just see what happens for a little while first. Have fun trying and thanks for the reminder about mammograms. I must go and have one myself.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for your visit and comment to my SWF. Being a Taurus, I enjoyed reading your "earthy" post!
Wep said…
I agree with Gary and Greg :)

But in all honesty I'm a firm believer in fate. There are certain things I just don't want to know. If you find out there is a problem, then you will start out the process discouraged. And a lot of times those tests mean nothing. Sometimes they say people have issues and they wind up pregnant. Some people can't get pregnant and they can't find anything wrong with them.

Oh and I totally do the week of appointments too with one difference. I book a day at the spa for that week as a reward :)
Blicky Kitty said…
Hahaha love the post. We had my younger daughter through in vetro and we always like to joke that Jenna Jameson (sp) is now a special part of my family. :) Don't tell him I posted a comment about that! Accck he'd die!

Thanks for visiting BK!
Read 'Which came first' and I could not stop smiling. Interesting experience.

Heard on FM Radio in Mumbai: Radio DJ: 'What came first? Chicken or Egg?' Answer: 'Whatever you ordered first!'

Nicki said…
thanks for the comment on my blog! it's always nice to make new blog friends! i will enjoy checking in on yours from time to time!
Lilly said…
Gosh Aleta this was a great post!
And Greg you are hilarious.

First, great idea for doing all the doctor visits around your birthday time. Second, on my blog (left hand column) I have a link to an article that says you are the smartest at 39 - so its going to be a great year for you. My sisters birthday is on Tuesday too!!

I think its a great idea to get tested simply because if having a family is important then its best to know ASAP if there are issues. Its just a shame that it becomes all a bit impersonal and transactional.

I think you should take it in for Greg too - in a paper bag, he he. I mean often they ask guys to provide the sample while at the doctors office and just give them some Playboys to read to help things along. Talk about performance anxiety..

As for having an appointment - that is strange. You will have to tell us why later.

I'm still laughing about the car jacking except I can see Greg being carted off by the police...oh imagine trying to explain that one - life is funny.

Have a great week you two!
Thanks for stopping by my blog today from SITS! I used to live in KY--I went to school at Murray State!
Jennifer said…
LOL--funny stuff! I can't believe youneed an appointment to dropoffa sammple! That's crazy!!
Thanks for the comment drop on my page, always like meeting new blog friends. Course I had to check out YOUR page----and well you did warn your readers up front that it was an adult posting-----it was well written, I hesitate to say it was written "with tongue in cheek", but I did chuckle a couple times.
nikkicrumpet said…
I love your hubby's sense of humor...I have a feeling my own would be just as reluctant. Great story...at least it was fun for us!
Sukku said…
Before I forget I would like to wish a very happy Birthday which happens to be on 28th Oct and btw mine is on 29th Oct.

I like the one on the napkin and here in Malaysia we call it tissue too. Haven't tried asking for a napkin.
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
I wish you the very, very best, Aleta!

It's a huge decision, and those who really want to parent will go through just about anything to get "there". I hope that it all works out for you. Love your sense of humor! :-)

ps.... Thanks for your supportive comment on my blog earlier today (the Tony story). That was an awful day for me, not to mention Tony. But hopefully, all the positives overcame the negatives.
Holly said…
Well I couldn't wait till morning to see the pics of the chickens. Boy am I glad! You had me laughing insanely - something I would have to stifle at work - or else have to explain the laughter!

Gives a whole new meaning to car jacking! WOOT!

Napkins? Reminds me of someone I knew, who as a little boy, when asked to put the napkins out for the huge family Thanksgiving dinner, did so. And since he had been shopping with his mother only the day before, and he could read by golly, he searched high and low for that box of napkins and arranged them quite nicely at each place around the table, thank you very much! Needless to say, his mother was beyond embarrassed!
Hippomanic Jen said…
Yeah, it's all a bit much for the blokes. And yet, their tests are so much less intrusive.
larkswing said…
oh how funny! And I am happy to say I am a little slow his morning - I had to read Greg's comment twice! So sad, that is not like me!

Have a great day! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY (early)
GypsiAdventure said…
haha - that is funny. I swear, greg cracks me up! I'm with him on the thought, I think medical stuff is great, but no need to stress yet, people have been doing this for hundreds of years, right??

Have a great day!
Margaret said…
I can't believe you have to have an appointment for that.
Anonymous said…
Wow... talk about putting the pressure on. That whole situation just begs for bad, inside jokes between you two. What better what to profess your love than say "You make me want to fill my cup up?" hee hee.
Big Girl said…
This post made me laugh... I made The husband get snipped and he has yet to go fill his cup and bring it back to see if his vacectomy took.

I'd try the old fashion way first and if that doesn't work then go for testing. And at your age you still have some time. I didn't have The Little Miss until I was 40.

Good luck!!!
Jessica said…
LOL-omg. You think she would have told you in the first place that you needed another appointment to turn the sample in.
Brandy said…
Car jacking...LMAO!!! Oh my!

I agree with Greg. Doctors are holding out on us. I know for a fact that many drug companies "court" doctors, enticing them to prescribe their drugs. I'm not saying all doctors are like this, but there are plenty into it for the perks.
My husband had a vascetomy in January. And he had to give samples twice to make sure that there were no squiggles. His was a drop off...they didn't require that he have an appointment. But...he did have to come during office hours (bwahahahah...a pun!) - which meant that he had to get busy at work. And once, he was interrupted by a maid in the bathroom :-)
Kellan said…
I don't get why he couldn't just drop it off anytime ??? You are not the only one confused.

Have a good evening - Kellan
Rashikaps said…
:) Wish you a very happy birthday, a fabulous day and an equally fun-filled year ahead..
Kimberly said…
OMGoodness!! Car jacking. lmao

Happy Birthday!