Pet Peeve

My husband has a couple of pet peeves.... 1)  Indecision.  2) Over planning a vacation (but you see, I think the first and second conflict... if you don't plan a vacation, then you end up with indecision during the trip)  

And the Third pet peeve is something I just found out about him.  I know my husband notices small details when we are out.  Such as signs.  He reads the small print.  We went to Sam's to buy diapers.  (Comment by my husband: "It used to be fun to shop, now we just get things for the baby."  Lol)... Anyway, we are at Sam's... walking in the front door... and there's a sign...

"Pharmacy offers flu shot.  Someone is on duty for administrating the shots."

It drove my husband up a wall!  He kept on saying, "It's administering the shots.  Am I right?!  I'm right?!"  I had to stop him from going up to the pharmacy or store manager.  I figure, let other people get a couple of laughs from the sign.

Do you have any pet peeves?


The Forscheins said…
That's funny. I can't stand my little rags (by the sink that you quickly wipe a few things up with) to be wet. They can't be wet or they have to be hung to dry over the laundry basket in order to go in the next wash. I never fully wet them either, just spray my cleaner, wipe the table, and I'm done. Now Jake likes to wet the entire cloth with water, wipe the table, then put the wet cloth (which will soon start to smell!!!) back next to the sink. Eeewww!!! I can't seem to teach him otherwise anymore, haha. Or at least I've given up after 9 years of marriage ;)
Dakota said…
Are we talking specifically in marriage or just in general? Putting dirty clothes in the hamper... we recently upgraded from the collapsble mesh hampers (that never stay open) to sturdy metal and webbing ones. The dirty clothes STILL get left by the side of the bed. *sigh *

If we're talking just regular life though... people who don't use their blinkers when driving. Gets me every time. There's a great tumblr post (I think it's tumblr) about it... "There's a magic stick next to your steering wheel. When you push it, a light comes on that lets people read your mind!"
Grammar/spelling is my biggest one, so that would have driven me crazy too!
Cperz said…
Oh, my friend...there isn't enough time or room in your comment section to list all my pet peeves. Bad drivers alone could have me listing a ton of stuff ie, not using signals, texting, turning from wrong lane, rolling through stop signs ...on and on...

Very few of my pet peeves are initiated by my immediate family members though. Notice I didn't say none..just very few.

I agree with Greg. I would of noticed the sign and thought someone should of checked out the right verbiage prior to posting it but I wouldn't be the type to bring it to anyone's attention.
Leah said…
LOL! i love that sign! So funny!!! I have a lot of pet peeves - my biggest - is people who are "victims". They feel sorry for themselves, "woe is me", everyone else has it so easy, "I have no choice"... I also can't stand entitlement. Don't get me started:))
Natalie said…
Haha! That is too funny!