Two Teeth
Gregory has 2 bottom teeth out now. I wasn't able to get any recent shots of his teeth, which I think are just TOOOO cute :)
Early on, when they first started to come out, I tried to get a picture. Gregory gave me this look, as if to say, "Nah Ah, Mommy, not gonna show my teeth to you!"
The little bugger!
But eventually I did get a picture, after taking 100 shots! Lol, every time I would get his bottom lip down, he tried to suck on my finger!
Early on, when they first started to come out, I tried to get a picture. Gregory gave me this look, as if to say, "Nah Ah, Mommy, not gonna show my teeth to you!"
The little bugger!
But eventually I did get a picture, after taking 100 shots! Lol, every time I would get his bottom lip down, he tried to suck on my finger!