Our Family on a Walk

It's hot here in New Orleans.  Our seasons are Summer and Summer Lite.  But in the afternoon, sometimes we get a nice reprieve from the heat.  We took our babies for a walk... yes, as in plural.

I had strolled Gregory in his stroller.

And Greg took the dog AND the cat (in his own stroller)... hehe..


Mari said…
Looks like the whole family is enjoying that!
Summer and Summer lite! LOVE it! We do get a bit of winter, but not much sproing or fall, it's like Winter, Summer Lite, Summer. It's been a little cooler here too. Glad you got some fresh air!
Cperz said…
You guys are the cutest family EVER. When you take a walk as a family people must stop just to smile at you.
S.I.F. said…
Oh that is hilarious!!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE it! One big happy family.
Also - summer & summer lite made me giggle. Same here in Florida!
Natalie said…
Ha ha looks like a great walk :)