4 month doctor appointment
Today we went to see Dr. Heller. You weighed in at 15.1 pounds. You gained 3 pounds from 2 months ago. The doctor said you are only “slightly”
above average in weight. Two
months ago, you were also only “slightly” above average in weight, so it’s a
consistent increase. I asked the
doctor if you were “fat” and the doctor replied, “Absolutely not!” Your Daddy teases me about having a fat
baby all the time. I know he’s
teasing, but I just wanted to make sure I’m doing the right thing for you, my
little boy.
You measured 26.25 in length – an increase of 3 inches. Dr. Heller said this IS definitely
above average in length! However
that doesn’t mean you will be tall, just that you are above average in length
for this point in time. You might have
just hit a growth spurt and next visit you’ll be average length again.
So, you gained 3 pounds and grew 3 inches. It was obvious you were getting
longer. It’s cute to see the
changes in you.
We had some questions for your doctor. I’m was worried that he’d think we were
nuts, but we had to ask because it was an “issue” between your mommy and
daddy… “Is it OK to hold the baby
when he cries?” Dr. Heller said
that any holding of the baby when they cry before 4 months is NOT spoiling the
child and even holding him after 4 months isn’t spoiling him.
The problem comes in when a baby wakes up in the middle of
the night – at this age between 4 and 6 months, a baby gets separation
anxiety. If the baby wakes up at
night, then do the “cry it out” method rather than rocking the baby back to
sleep. Nip this problem in the bud
otherwise it can be a big problem if the baby doesn’t learn to self soothe in
the future.
Right now, you are doing very well with sleeping at
night. I don’t jump at your first
cry at night any more and I listen to if you go back to sleep. I might not be able to go back to
sleep, but at least I know you are OK.
Oh and Dr Heller said, “My wife couldn’t stand to hear our
baby cry either. Because I didn’t
want a divorce, she held the baby.”
I looked at your daddy.
Because yes, I will hold you when you cry during the day. Not always, I’ll let you cry when you
get a little cranky or if you are talking or getting fussy to get to
sleep. But I don’t want you to cry
to the point of inconsolable. Besides,
I’ve read about CIO method and it’s never recommended to just “let the baby
cry” – it’s a method of showing the baby you are there, then walking away. Coming back, letting the baby know you
are there, walking away… and yes, at some points in the beginning, to hold the
baby and then put the baby down.
It’s a slow process, not a cold turkey let the baby cry it out. I’m prepared to do this if need be at
night and even during the day, because mommy has a house to clean too.
(I have to add, it’s not that your Daddy doesn’t want to
hold you, because he absolutely loves to give you hugs, but he worries when
people say that I’m holding you too much and that this might cause problems in
the future.)
Ok, let’s get back to the appointment.
You are going to meet “the spoon!” Oma and Opa bought a spoon for you from their Ireland
trip. I think we’ll give that a
try. The doctor was against the
idea of adding formula to the bottle.
He said to mix the rice cereal in a bowl with the milk formula to a
liquid consistency and to feed this to you from a spoon. Dr. Heller warned that you might not
take to this right away, that plenty of babies don’t start the spoon until 6
months, but that we could try this once a day and see how you like it. Once you take to the rice, we can start
you with veggies and then fruit.
(I’m all for tips on how to feed a baby from the spoon!)
I’m so sorry about the shots, sweety.
The doctor said you had to get two this
time, but oh my gosh, that was a big needle on the second shot. No wonder your face turned bright red
and you screamed! I was cringing. Thank goodness your Daddy was there to
soothe you.
We also had a bottle and that helped you to focus on
something other than the pain.
It’s a trick I read online and so far, it’s worked.
When the nurse went to hold your legs to give you the shots,
she said, “His legs are STRONG!” I
have bruises on my legs when I sit you on my lap and you kick me hard. So yes, you might have chubby legs, but
there’s muscle in there too!
You cried all the way home in the car and when we got home…
you were tired and exhausted and cranky and so was I. But right now, you are sleeping and I just put my hair up in
a ponytail. It seems that you like
to grab my hair and it wraps around your fingers and toes. I mentioned this to your doctor and he
said, “This can be a problem, because the hair can form a tourniquet around the
toes or fingers and can cause a lot of pain.” I read about this before and that’s why I’ve been so nervous
about my hair getting on you. I
was glad your doctor confirmed what I read so I don’t feel silly being so
Sleep my sweet baby and know that you are loved.
Shots are hard on baby and parents. No one likes to see their little ones hurt.
Little Gregory's pictures are always so cute.