I'm so thankful for our pets. They are family members, with wonderful personalities and a lot of love to share. Both both our cat, Tigger, and our dog, Penny, are rescue animals.
Funny that you mentioned that... When Greg first put the baby bed together, we didn't have the mattress yet. Tigger jumped at the edge of the bed and I had to grab him quickly. Tigger doesn't have the best vision and wouldn't have been able to see that the only thing at the bottom of the bed - were springs! He could have been caught up in them. Needless to say, baby's room stayed closed until we bought the mattress. It's in the bed now and I kept the plastic on the mattress just in case the cat jumps in there before the baby is born.
Hi LindyLouMac :) I think the cat will be ok, just curious. He's a pretty chill cat. But the dog? Oh heavens! The dog sits in my husband's lap all the time. I have the feeling that I'll be holding the baby and Greg will be holding the dog.
Lol you hold the baby while Greg holds the dog. You will have a full house and Gregory is going to have two playmates as well. They will be curious and then will become his protectors. Just wait.
Hi LindyLouMac :) I think the cat will be ok, just curious. He's a pretty chill cat. But the dog? Oh heavens! The dog sits in my husband's lap all the time. I have the feeling that I'll be holding the baby and Greg will be holding the dog.