Happiness is Being a MAC

I'm happy to be participating in Jade's "Happiness Is"

I'm happy to be a Mac!

I used to be a PC, while my husband was a Mac. I would go to his computer and toy with the iPhoto and learn about the iMovie. Ohhhh, those iMovies are so cool.

I first became a Mac when my husband gave me his iPhone (he upgraded to a iPhone4).. and then again when we bought a iPad. It was until I had a Mac Mini that I took the Mac label though.

It looks a little different from a PC point of view, but with a touch of training - ZOOM, I was hooked! I can't ever go back :) Happy to be a Mac :)


Cperz said…
I started on Macs and later switched to the PC. (just because I am such a conformist) I think the Mac is a better machine but now I have what I have for a while. I definitely would have to relearn how to use it if I went back.
Mark said…
Stop bragging. That's rude!
Now I feel bad for myself.
Love, m.
Natalie said…
Look at you with all that technology! :)
John said…
I've never been able to be a Mac, though I do now have an iPhone. See, my major is in computer engineering and I know PC architecture inside & out. When a PC breaks, I can fix it.

I can't do the same for a Mac . . . now, I know, in theory, they break less, but I still like to tinker.