Making Lemonade

The morning started nicely, waking up and sharing breakfast with my husband. We looked up on the iPad for the Harry Potter movie and saw there was a listing for 10:30. Perfect. We got ready and made it to the theater for 10:15 to get tickets.

Only to find out that the listing was incorrect. The early movie was 10am and the next showing would be at 11am. So, we bought the 11am tickets. At least.. we THOUGHT we had 11am tickets. But after we were seated and then waiting and waiting, we looked at the tickets to find out that it was for 11:30! What an irritation, to stay at the theater an hour early for a movie. Greg was chomping at the bit during the "previews" - just get the movie already!

I enjoyed Harry Potter and wouldn't mind seeing it again :) They did a good job with bringing all the stories together.

Greg was hungry after the show; we decided on Chinese. There's a restaurant in the area we like, only we got into the wrong lane and ended up going over the Huey P Long, or as we natives like to say "Huey P Narrow" - because the bridge has very narrow lanes. (The Huey P crosses over the Mississippi River going from the EastBank to the WestBank.) There is construction going on right now with the bridge to make more lanes. In the meantime.. not only did we have to go over the bridge, with Greg hungry and me having to pee.... we had to take a DETOUR off the bridge in order to just get back on in order to turn back around... Ugh...

Then.... we finally get back on the bridge to go back to the Eastbank (where the restaurant is) and wouldn't you know it. We are on the middle of the bridge and at a stand still. There was an accident. Greg called his Mom on his cell to vent and me.... like any good blogger, I took out my little camera (not the fancy honeymoon camera) and took pictures. I told Greg, "Well, I've always wanted to take pictures while going on this bridge.... and since we're just stuck here..." He laughed and said, "Making lemonade out of lemons."


The pictures are cool. And I'm glad you enjoyed Harry Potter. Your husband has my sympathies though. I HATE being stuck in traffic that's not moving.
Kavi said…
Ah steel bridges ! I have a few pictures too of such bridges in San Fransisco!

Looks so rugged !

BTW, harry Potter seems to have captured the imagination of people all around the world !
Ugich Konitari said…
toughly dense,
and straight,
standing in support;
at angles
with others,
in support,
like a dedicated thought,
running across
the whole
set up,
a cable here
some nuts there.
All loaded,
to exhale,
at the release of

Down below,
sitting in support,
in air conditioned glory,
a hungry guy,
unmoved in traffic,
and a
creative lady,
holding it all in,
for another type
of release....

H(ue)y there, Aleta ! :-))
The Twisted HW said…
Very cool pics Aleta. I am glad you liked Harry P, we haven't seen it yet. And there is nothing more irritating than sitting around a movie theater for an hour or more for a movie =/ But I'm glad you still have a good time
Carla said…
I have yet to see the new Harry Potter movie, but I figured I'd be completely lost since I haven't been really keeping up with the stories since the first movie.

I absolutely HATE being in stand-still traffic on bridges. The Mississippi bridge in Baton Rouge is THEE worst, especially since the suspension causes it to bounce.
Head Ant said…
I would freak if I was stuck on the Huey P. Especially if it was in the right lane like you were. Because you can see the river. I always drive in the middle.
Glad you finally got to watch the movie...even though you had to wait awhile LOL! At least it was good, right?
Yesterday, I was at the blueberry path with the boys - and I was kicking myself for not taking my camera. My husband and I are going back tomorrow morning to pick berries and let me take pictures - the boys will be in school.

We went to the midnight showing of H.P. - and then had to go back again to take the son who had been at camp:) There were things we missed but all enjoyed!

Love your picts! - and your new blog idea!