Tigger Three Wheeling

This is going to be a little strange, but I love it. Then again, I've been known to be a little strange at times.... not often, but I make up for it when I do go into the land of strange.

Penny, our 8 month old pup, loves to go outside. Loves the Outdoors. No wonders there.

Tigger, our not-so-street-smart cat gets jealous when Penny goes outside. We tried those cat leashes, but Tigger turns into a paralyzed puss when the leash is on him; he hunkers down to the ground and doesn't budge. The only option we had was to hold him and hope our cloths would make it unclawed.

Tigs still has his claws and they are lethally long and sharp. Don't even ask about trimming the claws, tried it and my mind-mannered cat turned into a lion.

Sooooo, what to do? Penny gets to go outside but not fair for Tigs. (I blame this all on Greg, by the way... Tigs didn't even know what outside was and had no interest in the door until Greg came into my life and opened doors for Tigs too!) I'm kind of glad that Greg did this, because I bought something... for Tigger.

Penny got all those wonderful toys from Pet Mountain and Tigger, well, he got a cool blue three wheeler! Yes he did! (When Greg put the ride together, he said, "I'm not walking Tigger in this. You can." Hehe) Below is a picture, you can barely see Tigs in there.

Greg and I took Tigs for a walk with Penny. Penny thought it was great and Tigs was sitting up pretty, sniffing the air, popped a couple of wheelies and soaked up the sun.

Ok, I know it's a little strange.. looks like a baby carriage, but HEY... Tigs gets outside, we go walking as a family.... people (including us) call their pets their kids... so my carriage carries a fur face, what of it!

I can't wait to take Tigs to the park. Seriously, this little three wheeler has opened up a lot of options for me to bring the cat along. I always felt like I was leaving the cat out of all the adventures.

Here's Tigs chilling. When I first bought his wheels, I thought for sure he'd fight me on going inside it, but he settled in very well and calmly, as if he knew it was his right away.


Cyndy Bush said…
I think it's adorable! That is one lucky cat.
Ugich Konitari said…
Just curious, does it have a seat belt kind of thing ? What if he jumps out and starts chasing something suddenly ?
Aleta said…
Hi Ugich Konitari :) When I walk him outside, I keep most of the mesh screen up. He can still get out, but he doesn't show any signs of wanting to jump out (even when we get back into the house)... I'm hoping that will always be the case, but if need be, I can zip the screen all the way up when taking him for a walk :)