Penny for your thoughts

The animal shelter employee took Penny (they called her Spot, but really, that’s not a girl dog’s name!) outside and Greg asked me what I thought. The dog was zipping all over the yard. I replied, “If you can catch her, we can take her home.” I have to admit though, I was nervous. I’m not the Alpha Dog personality. Greg has had dogs all his life, so he knows how to handle and train them well.
I feel like I’m in training too, on how to handle being Alpha. We went through a couple of different name options, considering Cinnamon for a little while, but thought it might be too long. Penny has some copper coloring (caramel as I like to say), so hence the name Penny. I think it’s a sweet name and though hyper, she’s a sweet dog.
Penny was brought to the Animal Shelter after a car hit her. The person who brought her in couldn’t afford her, so she went up for adoption. I don’t see any damage to Penny, especially with all the energy she has! Penny is 6 months old and we think she’s either a Rat Terrier or a Fox Terrier.
Greg already taught her “sit, stay, come”. Click here to see a video.
Penny had her first experience with ice today. She held some in her mouth, then moved it across the floor, not knowing if she was supposed to chew on it or play with it. As much as the ice was entertaining for Penny, it was for Greg and I to watch her.
Tigger, our Siamese cat, is adjusting. The two pets were in the office area and the door was closed. I looked in on them and they were both sitting on the sofa. So was one of Greg’s shoes and some of my beading supplies. Penny has a habit of theft.
We agreed that we’ll have to supervise Penny when she’s out of her kennel (we have a large one for when we aren’t home for her to stay in).
Welcome Home, Penny :)
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow