Ink Drawing by Greg

One evening, I asked Greg to draw something for me. He said, “Stay still” as he grabbed a red ink pen and yellow tablet.

He held the paper up, so I couldn’t see what he was drawing. I started laughing and giggling. I thought for sure he was teasing me and only acting like he was drawing me. He told me I’d make a horrible model. I guess because I fidget. I’ve never seen that “deep concentration” look in his eyes and I was certain he was playing a joke on me, which only made me laugh all the more. Then I’d try to frown to stop from laughing. After I realized he was serious.... I felt like the Rose on Titantic - only fully clothed and a much happier ending! (It was the look in Greg's eyes :)

Honestly, though, given he was working with an ink pen and a model that couldn’t keep a straight face, I thought he did an excellent job. I was shocked, because he did this in about 10 minutes!


That's so sweet. Keep it framed!
Theresa said…
awww! how special!
Carma Sez said…
I'd say he's got some talent! I've modeled for art classes before and it gets very difficult on the long poses especially the standing ones
Kimberly said…
Who knew Greg had drawing talent!! I think he did an excelent job. :)
Fabulous!!! He's extremely talented!!! And I'd say, you were quite an inspiring model ;-) Love, Janine XO
Stacey said…
It is a great drawing and I think it's very sweet. :)
Joanna Jenkins said…
Very nice job! It must be so nice to have a talent like that!
I Wonder Wye said…
This is sweet. My favorite gifts are the pictures Excy has done of me or one of our animals....watercolor or just pen and ink. They are precious to me. I am also in mourning about the oil spill and cannot imagine how depressing it must be to be around 'ground zero.' The pictures are breaking my heart...
Lilly said…
He is a clever guy, I think he has talent. Its lovely - I would frame it too.