People of Walmart

Ok, I have to admit, I’ve seen the “People at Walmart” pictures and thought, “I never see those people.” Everyone I see at Walmart seems, well, rather normal.

Then Greg went to Wally World and took a snap shot on his cell phone of this guy.

OMG – it looks like he has red wings! (And what the heck is on the back of his shorts??)


Cyndy Bush said…
LOL! Perfect PoW pics!
Amanda said…
I had a People of Meijer (kinda like Walmart) the other day. This girl had on an all brown like one piece velour jumpsuit and ugg boots that were the same color and a brown scarf tied in her hair....yeah not attractive...

That picture is hilarious!!!!
Kimberly said…
LMAO! They come out of the wood work don't ya know!

Just the other day I wished I had a cell phone so that I could take pictures at people are soooo funny!
CB said…
What a complete crack up! Yes there are definately some interesting folks out and about! ha ha
septembermom said…
I think he should be one of the X-Men or something. LOL.
Joanna Jenkins said…
My first thought was "what is that guy thinking?" My second thought was "His poor mother!"

Kim said…
Brad LOVES People of Walmart! Every singe time we go into Walmart he cracks jokes that he's on the look out for his POW photo! Then he pulls out his phone and keeps an eye out! It is sooooo embarassing! lol

I hope you uploaded this one! He would fit right in! :)
Carma Sez said…
my Walmart trips are always so mundane. Clearly I am shopping at the wrong walmart!
Kavi said…
I wonder if wall mart does this to everybody !
