What's on Your Wrist
What’s on Your Wrist?
I love to make jewelry, but these days, if a kid asks me to make a bracelet, I will have to decline.
Mom teaches the 5th grade. Greg and I visited with my parents over the weekend and Mom said, "Do you know the snap game?" I asked her to explain. It seems that these plastic bracelets that originally started as "fight cancer" and other diseases have taken off in a variation with the kids. If a boy or girl snaps a bracelet on someone else's wrist, it requires the person wearing the wrist to do specific things.
What the kid has to do is based on the color that the other person snapped.
If Child A is wearing a Yellow Bracelet and Child B snaps the yellow bracelet, then Child A has to give Child B a hug. Because Yellow stands for a hug.
Aww, that's sweet, right? No harm in a hug, right? Just make sure that's the only color your kid is wearing on a wrist, because here's the breakdown of hues:
Black - the wearer will have regular "missionary" sex
Blue - indicates oral sex performed on a guy
Clear - indicates a willingness to do anything the snapper wants
Green - indicates that oral sex can be performed on a girl
Glittery Blue - is willing to perform anal sex
Glittery Clear - wearer will let the snappee "feel up" or touch any body part
Glittery Green - the wearer is willing to "69"
Glittery Pink - willing to "flash" a body part
Glittery Purple - willing to French kiss
Glittery Yellow - indicates kissing and hugging is acceptable
Yellow - wearer is willing to hug
Pink - wearer is willing to give a hickey
Orange - wearer is willing to kiss
Purple - wearer is willing to kiss a partner of either sex
Red - wearer is willing to perform a lap dance
I love to make jewelry, but these days, if a kid asks me to make a bracelet, I will have to decline.
Mom teaches the 5th grade. Greg and I visited with my parents over the weekend and Mom said, "Do you know the snap game?" I asked her to explain. It seems that these plastic bracelets that originally started as "fight cancer" and other diseases have taken off in a variation with the kids. If a boy or girl snaps a bracelet on someone else's wrist, it requires the person wearing the wrist to do specific things.
What the kid has to do is based on the color that the other person snapped.
If Child A is wearing a Yellow Bracelet and Child B snaps the yellow bracelet, then Child A has to give Child B a hug. Because Yellow stands for a hug.
Aww, that's sweet, right? No harm in a hug, right? Just make sure that's the only color your kid is wearing on a wrist, because here's the breakdown of hues:
Black - the wearer will have regular "missionary" sex
Blue - indicates oral sex performed on a guy
Clear - indicates a willingness to do anything the snapper wants
Green - indicates that oral sex can be performed on a girl
Glittery Blue - is willing to perform anal sex
Glittery Clear - wearer will let the snappee "feel up" or touch any body part
Glittery Green - the wearer is willing to "69"
Glittery Pink - willing to "flash" a body part
Glittery Purple - willing to French kiss
Glittery Yellow - indicates kissing and hugging is acceptable
Yellow - wearer is willing to hug
Pink - wearer is willing to give a hickey
Orange - wearer is willing to kiss
Purple - wearer is willing to kiss a partner of either sex
Red - wearer is willing to perform a lap dance
There's a Nip/Tuck episode about a bracelet party.
thanks for sharing this info... I would have had no idea.
At least most Aussie school uniform rules outlaw any jewellery. But yeesh.
Where do these kids think they are going to do all these things? On the basketball courts? In the library? I think the average teacher would notice oral sex going on at the back of a classroom.
A few days later, he's still wearing them. I asked him if they play any games with these at school. He looked at me weird, and said 'what games?". I said "like snapping them". He laughed and said, "Yeah, we try to see how much we can hurt each other and who gives up first. I won! But we don't play any more because it hurts too much."
Whew! Yup, just typical boy games going on here.