Day 27 NaBloWriMo Sunset

Is it pollution? Is it cloud formations? Is it the type of season?

People come up with various reasons for beautiful sunsets. I'm just happy when I catch a glimpse of them. This picture was taken while I was driving. Crazy, I know. But every time I'd pull over to snap a shot, something was in the way. So, I figured, I'll drive and hold the camera with my left hand and drive with the right. I figured at least one picture had to come out pretty, because the sky was unbelievable!

I did read this about sunsets:

"Sunlight is composed of a spectrum of colors that ranges from violet and blue at one end to orange and red on the other. At sunrise or sunset, sunlight takes a much longer path through the atmosphere than during the middle part of the day. More violet and blue light is scattered out of the beam along the way, and so the light which reaches the human eye early or late in the day is reddened. So the conclusion is that sunsets are red because the daytime sky is blue. (Please don't ask me why the sky is blue.)"

But whatever the reason for it ~ I enjoy and appreciate it. This is something Greg and I share; we love sunsets. It's things like this that people can take for granted on a day to day basis. We're always so rushed with life that we forget to breath in the beauty. We can't control, can't predict.. all we can do is relax and enjoy the quite, calming colorful time of day.

When is the last time that you allowed a moment for the sunset?


Tabitha Bird said…
Love that info about the sunset. No wonder they are beautiful.

And the last time I stopped to notice one was too long ago. I find it hard because at that time for the day I am often preparing little children for dinner and bedtime. The end of the day is often lost on me in moments of Mommy business.
Rohini said…
the picture really is beautiful... sunsets have a very soothing and calming effect and i wonder why considering they bring darkness
Dr. Wifey said…
i like to think of the sunset as God painting across the sky. each day is different, but just as gorgeous as the day before. I LOVE sunsets!
Rush said…
amazing capture...especially when its snowing today
(our first snow of the season) in utah, i am missing both, the sunrise and the beautiful sunset...dawn and dusk have their own shades and charm!!
Kimberly said…
I try to catch the sunset each night. It's so beautiful where I live, on an elevated hill above the trees, in the middle of the trees. The sun goes down on one side, staying bright, the other side dark, and right in the middle off in the distance it lights up an area of tree tops, like they are glowing, it's fabulous and breathtakingly beautiful every time. And all I do is pass by my kitchen window...
Carma Sez said…
Simply stunning!!!

How are you enjoying NaBloWriMo?
Coffeypot said…
I, too, love to see the sunrise and sunsets. In the Navy, standing watch on top of the bridge at sea, they are both beautiful beyond words.

What an absolutely gorgeous shot!!!! And you are a poet??? I'm absolutely thrilled to "meet" you!!!! Thanks for stopping by, for your lovely words on my blog, and for leading me here!!! I love to make new friends...and it seems you are a friend of Lailani!! And any friend of Lailani is a friend of mine!! I hope you won't mind...but I'm going to follow you...You might spy some more beautiful sunsets, and your poetic heart will capture their richness ;-) Love to you~Janine XO
Heather said…
That is an amazing sunset!! I love that you and Greg enjoy that together. That's so sweet!
Deborah Godin said…
Thanks for your comment, I've been so busy that blogging kind of fell by the wayside the last couple of days, but I wouldn't want to have missed this extraordinary sunset you posted! Lovely!
Mari said…
This is a beautiful sunset! I enjoy sunsets too, no matter why!
septembermom said…
Thanks for the interesting info! Sunsets are like heaven's majesty displayed for all to enjoy!
Gorgeous photo. The most consistently beautiful sunsets I've ever seen were in St. Lucia. Storms seemed to come and go quickly and as the sun went down the sky was always unbelievable.
Tracie Nall said…
Beautiful picture!!! My husband and I are crazy sunset picture takers too!

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the kind supportive comment. I really appreciate it!
Lora said…
stunning photo! I love sunsets!!!
Holly said…
That truly is a stunning sunset! Thanks for sharing it with us!
Oooh, I love, love, love sunsets too! I schedule my exercise walks at sunset so I can savor them. It's very reinforcing; I walk almost every day and our gorgeous Florida sunsets are a big reason why. I am also amazed every day at the beauty of our planet; we are lucky we wound up on such a good one. :)