Day 13 NaBloWriMo Childhood

When I asked for blog topic suggestions on FB, one response was:

"What do you miss most about your childhood?"

I miss the innocence. These days, I think a lot of children miss out, because they grow up too quickly.

I miss watching cartoons (Bugs Bunny was my favorite). I remember Dad watching Bugs Bunny with me and laughing with me. I miss climbing trees and thinking summers lasted forever. I miss reading with Mom and Rob when we weren't in school, we took turns reading pages out loud. (i.e. Great Expectations, etc)

I miss the parties my parents used to have at their home. They would make all of the food, including artichoke balls, rumaki, pumpkin pie. One time Rob and I had an artichoke ball food fight. It was a fun mess (the food “splatted” very well!), much to the chagrin of Dad.

I would say I miss being naive, but Greg says I still am. He's right, because I grew up not knowing ugliness and cruelty towards me, thus it's still a little shocking when I see it happen as an adult..... I miss thinking the world was a safe place and not knowing what a terrorist was.

I look at children in school and want to tell them, "Don't try to grow up so quickly! Enjoy this!" Enjoy the years of few responsibilities ~ to go to school and learn and help at home. Play, go outside, step away from the computers and iphones and gadgets.

But as much as I miss those things, I wouldn't want to go back in time. I lived it and enjoyed and I'm enjoying life in the here and now.


Ugich Konitari said…
Aleta, you are so right. Children today surely grow up and mature too fast. I see that even here in India, although the cultures are so different. And your photos are absolutely delightful...
larkswing said…
Kids really do in some respects . .. they know so many worldly things much younger, and yet many of those cannot figure out how to step up to the responsibilities we all were proudly embracing as young adults. Strange.
Kimberly said…
This made me sigh. I remember too, watching bugs bunny and dad giggling with me. Mom always having the house smell like good food when i got home from school.

And now, having my own kids, I try to do the same for them, but often times the cruelity and reality of life from the outside leaks in and you have to explain.

Or when teenagers are in such a hurry to be adults because they think that it will give them their freedom, when you would just like to slap reality into them, force them to see it's not what they think, all glitter and rinestones, but you can't, you have to let them be their own judges, and jury.

I sigh at this. I miss innocents too!
Anonymous said…
I remember the moment I realized I became an adult. I was living on my own for the first time... i was 18 yrs old, I moved into my new apartment...and in doing so... came to the wet blanket reality that... LIGHT BULBS?!?! I NEVER had to worry about light bulbs before! They were just... just THERE! WHAT??? YOu mean I have to buy DISHWASHING liquid? and Soap!?.. and WHAT!! TOILET PAPER!! Geeez... never had those worries before! I mean come on!! Toilet Paper!! Im only going to use it for like... 10 seconds! The its gone! Maybe the coffee filters can pull double-doody!
Aletas' husband... GregO
Helen Ginger said…
Everything changes. Some for the better. Some not. It seems like the best you can do is try to keep the childhood of your children as safe and loving as possible. It won't be like your own childhood, but it can provide the same kind of stability that you and I had.

Straight From Hel
Lisa said…
Double-doody. LOL

I am totally with you that I miss a lot about being a kid, but I would not want to go back. It's a fond memory and I do wish kids would enjoy it more.
Marisa Birns said…
I miss spending the summer months with my grandmother in the country. Being a city girl, waking up to the smell of pancakes stuffed with the blueberries my cousins and I had picked the day before -- heaven!

And my grandmother let us stay up as late as we liked!

I learned how to ride a bike there...and got my first kiss there from the neighbor's son, Charlie.

Er. O.k. Enough about all that!

Thanks for your post.
high over happy said…
Thinking about my childhood always makes me smile. Even though I know there is no turning back the clock, those are memories I refer to when I need a little pick-me-up - my own happy place. Thanks for the reminder :)
Peggy said…
Sounds like you had a wonderful childhood!
Carma Sez said…
wise words! And I love that you had an idyllic childhood with lots of happy memories :-)
Kavi said…
Oh to think of those days and relive those memories in itself is such a pleasurable experience.

And when you go there, one doesnt want to come back !

Such were those days.
septembermom said…
Childhood can be such a miraculous, joyful time. I love all the photos. The last one at the beach is especially sweet. Well written post. Thank you for sharing today.
Theresa said…
What a great post! My hubby says I'm still naive too. This does not surprise me. The thing I miss most about childhood is the fearlessness. I can remember running around in the woods and not even thinking about sticker bushes, spiders, snakes, or anything else, just playing too hard to notice. I wish I was still as fearless.
Penny said…
Beautiful. I agree. =)
jules said…
This was an absolutely wonderful post. I am totally with you on the past, and the future. Thanks so much for sharing.
Unknown said…
Children grow up too fast, adults grow to cynical. The only way it changes is if 8we* do something. That is the challenge.
Kim said…
Oh the memories! I miss being a kid sometimes. Like you, I wouldn't go back and do it again but they have made me some incredible memories. The naiveness and being able to just enjoy life are things that I desperately try to give my son. When you are a kid that is the only time in your life when you just get to live, you don't have to worry and work and create life plans. You have to play and enjoy summer and watch cartoons. Oh how I miss summers. You know the kid defined version of them. Three whole months off, to do absolutely nothing if that's how you choose to spend it. I would definitely take summer back! :) You've got me thinking about what it was like to be a kid!

PS. I have to tell you how much I LOVE getting your comments on my blog! Seriously they make my day that much better! You're always so optimistic and understanding and just all around kind! Thanks for that! :)
Martha said…
This is so true for me, too. I miss some of the same things, and I feel lucky to have happy childhood memories. I'm glad you included your old photos...such a nice touch!
Holly said…
I too had a wonderful, happy childhood that I wouldn't give up for anything. I also agree kids now grow up way too fast, yet them seem so much more irresponsible. Funny how they want to be adults, but live their lives with no sense of responsibility it seems.