Happy Birthday Sunday Citar

"Most of us can remember a time when a birthday – especially if it was one’s own – brightened the world as if a second sun has risen." By Robert Lynd

This weekend we celebrated Mom's 65th birthday with a surprise party! Join in the Sunday Citar fun - click here.


CB said…
Your mom looks so surprised - How fun!

My mom will be 65 in a month or so too.
Sukku said…
Happy Birthday.....
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday to your mom!!
Walker Family said…
Happy Birthday to your mom what a wonderful day for a party!
Joanna Jenkins said…
Looks like you puled off the surprise! Happy birthday to your Mom!
Sara said…
Ah, what a happy time must have been had.
septembermom said…
So wonderful for your mom! I hope you had a terrific birthday :) Love the quote and the photo!!
Great quote. Glad you have your mom here with you to celebrate.
Kavi said…
Happy birthday to your mom. Trust it was a great day for all of you !

Anonymous said…
So fun! And Happy Birthday to her :)
Kimberly said…
Awe!! Happy Birthday to your Momma!! Hope she had a wonderful day and here's to many, many more!