Sunday Citar

This Sunday Citar is about art.

"A picture is a poem without words." Horace

I could say it's about adventure and learning as well. Saturday's beading meeting was taught by Bev. She's a fantastic beader ~ Master Beader! To learn from her is a treat, to say the least.

Because we have so many new members, Bev came up with the idea of not just having Name Tags, but to BEAD the name tags. I was tickled when she said it would be a "free style" peyote. I haven't had the nerve to try free style. She gave us just enough instructions to start us off and then tips to take it away.

And take it away, my muse did do. I was nervous after finishing the piece. I wrote to Bev and said, "I might need a new name tag to start over. I think I might need bead intervention." Yikes! Ok, be kind, please. I know it's a bit much, but I SO loved doing this. Bev responded, "This would make a great blog post. You are truly creating beadart!"

Thank you, Bev, for the instructions and inspiration and positive encouragement!

My name tag is made of buttons, crystals, pearls, triangle beads, seed beads, cubes, silver charm, flowers, fresh water pearls and more. Each name tag will be unique for the members. I can't wait to see what everyone else come up with. I imagine it will be a reflection of each personality. Hmmm, what does this say about me? AH well...
Share your pictures and quotes at Tabitha's site, click here to join the fun!


A New Yorker said…
I love how you are enjoying life.
2Shaye ♪♫ said…
Aleta, it's beautiful. I would love to learn how to do bead art. I imagine you're having a great deal of FUN! And that's a great quote, as well.

Happy Sunday!

nothing better than creating with your hands, eh?
Anonymous said…
its gorgeous.
even though its freestyle, it seems to flow and have a certain amount of balance and continuity. lovely.
Kavi said…
'When its made..its made with love' they say !

Seems to be gorgeous enough to be completely true !!
septembermom said…
So lovely and creative! Great quote:)
Joanna Jenkins said…
Okay, that name tag totally ROCKS! It's beautiful, and creative, and elegant, and playful and something I could never do in a million years :-)

i'd love to see more of your bead work!
Holly said…
I've been horrible about commenting lately - lazy is a better word. Read your posts in my reader, but never seem to come here to comment. Couldn't pass up on commenting on this though! I absolutely LOVE your name tag! WOW - it is so creative and fun and cool and about a hundred other adjectives as well! I love the mix of all the colors and textures and shapes. Great job!
kisatrtle said…
simply beautiful!
gorgeous beading!!!'s so eclectic but it flows so beautifully!! great work! blessings...
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
Very nice! Very beautiful!!!

I'm late commenting and linking because I had some computer troubles. But I do love Sunday Citar!!! Have a great week! ♥
Caroline said…
Love that quote! I would like to think my photo are poetry... Hope you have a wonderful week!
You really are talented. That was really lovely and intricate!
Tabitha Blue said…
Ohhh, love the quote, Aleta! And this is a name tag?!? Wow, it's so creative and expressive, and much better than any name tag I've ever worn!

Dr. Wifey said…
very cute, and creative!
It's beautiful! I didn't know there were Beading Meetings. I need to find one near me. I want to start making jewelry/beading...
Jessica said…
Gorgeous! I've been getting into beading lately,'s wonderful fun! :)
SWEET !!!!!

Hello from SpeedyCat :-)
Visiting from SITS. You were on the roll call just above me.
Brandy said…
I think it's BEAUTIFUL!! Oh my it turned out so should be proud.