Blog Design Guru

You might have noticed that I have a new design? I absolutely, positive LOVE it! When I first wrote to Jill, I did some research on her work and thought, "Hmmm, I like what she's done." She even has a seperate blog, just to give tips to bloggers, from beginners to advanced.

Jill had a bunch of great ideas and she was always considerate and concerned with me being happy with the results. She told me from the very beginning that she wanted me to "love" the blog. She made it clear throughout the process that me being happy with the results was her priority. My thoughts were, "Well, I don't want to get overly excited about what it's going to look like, but I have hopes." I figured I would end up asking too much or asking for something that couldn't be done.

Let me tell you ~ Jill was AWESOME!

I wouldn't recommend someone unless I truly believe in his/her work. I can say with confidence that Jill is great to work with. She knows how to make things come together. She's creative, talented; I've coined her as my Blog Design Guru. I felt as thought I had Jill's total attention, technological skill and creative muse ~ all renovating my blog!

Thanks again, Jill. I Love It! It's better than I thought it could be and it feels like... well.. like home!

(now.. back to the regularly scheduled program *smiles* I hope you had the opportunity to see Greg's post below. He surprised me with the topic. I asked if he would guest post and his response was, "Yes. I have the topic and you'll have to wait to find out what it is...." Read his post if you get a moment. It's actually something I was getting ready to blog about. Great minds, what can I say. We're on the same wave length!)


*Akilah Sakai* said…
Looooove the new design!
Jill did a fabulous job.
Awwww, Aleta! I'm so glad you love your new look! :) I had the best time getting to know you through all of those emails. I'm having Aleta withdrawals everytime I see a new message in my inbox and realize it's not you!
I really appreciate you mentioning me in your post. :) I wrote about you today, too!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Stopping by from SITS to give a little blog ♥

Design looks really nice!
He & Me + 3 said…
popping over from Jill's blog.
She did a great job. I love it! Very crisp and clean. Awesome!
Jessica said…
Your new design looks awesome! :)
Kelli W said…
Your blog is SUPER cute! I really like the colors!
hey, this is mighty slick looking isn't it?
Dr. Wifey said…
wow! i am lovin' the new design.
A New Yorker said…
OH I love it and I'm jealous!!
jmt said…
I've seen a lot of bloggy makeovers tempts me, but then I'm like...unless I'm some sort of national blogger, I won't worry about the hassle. LOL And I'm sure it's not a real hassle, but since I barely have time to blog at home as it Maybe I should have just started this comment with "I'm too lazy." LOL Happy Friday!
Holly said…
LOVE the new design! Such soothing colors!
grace said…
comments are like a box of chocolate, eh? that's a great line, and your redesign is terrific!
Kerri said…
Jill sent me over to check it out and I love it!!! She didi a great job. The colors and designs are great and i love the 3 squares with the middleone popping out under each post.
septembermom said…
Wow! This is wonderful:) Jill did an exceptional job. Enjoy!
Intense Guy said…
Very nice looking blog!

Thanks for coming to visit me.
Joanna Jenkins said…
Your new looks is fabulous!!!!! It really captures your personality and is clean and easy to read. LOVE IT!!!!
Great job Jill.
Dumb Mom said…
I'm in need of a new blog design, I think. Will have to check her out:) Thanks for coming to my SITS shin dig yesterday. Feel free to stop over again soon!
Mari said…
I love your new look! I also really enjoyed and agreed with Greg's post.
Joanna said…
Looks cute!

Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Carma Sez said…
She did a fantastic job on your blog design. I've had a makeover of sorts scheduled for several months now. Hoping to jazz my blog up a bit too! Thanks for visiting :-)
Jenners said…
Just came over to check out Jill's work ... it is lovely! She is amazing!
Rush said…
OOooohh!!! am i in an entirely new world here....its amazing and speaks out ur persona beautifully..totally charimg...loved the template!!
Stopping by from SITS to share the blog ♥ !

Have a great Saturday!
This is such a fabulous look! I love the brown-blue combo, its so classy! Great stuff from Jill.
That Janie Girl said…
I love the design, it's really beautiful!

I'm still in the midst of getting mine done - Nap Warden is doing mine and waiting on my oilpatch pix.
CB said…
Aleta I really, really love the new look of your blog!! It is beautiful!!
The Forscheins said…
Yes, I love your new design too!