Thar she blows

At first I thought the Neti-Pots was a hoax. For those of you who don’t know, a neti-pot looks like a little teapot. When I told Greg that my blogger friends mentioned it, he read my blog and sent me a link saying, “Do you want me to get this for you?”

Click here for Instructions Video.

I watched the instructions and thought, “Oh, but no.” It looked… well, icky!

Greg came home and he bought it for me, insisting that I try it, after all, “Four of your bloggers mentioned it and the lady at the store said that you would really like it.” He even prepared it for me while commenting how “this has been done for hundreds of years.”

Looking at the small plastic pot, I had memory flashes of me when I was a little girl having tea parties. I almost got the giggles thinking, “What if a mother saw her daughter sticking the end of a teapot into her nose?”

Did I try it? If it wasn’t for Greg preparing it and thinking, “Hmm, would be blog worthy.” I mean, how often do I get to write about a mechanism that clears snot? Really.

But here’s a word of advise, make sure that you do not do this in front of your loved one! It’s not an image I’d want Greg to have of me ~ pouring salty water into on nostril, open mouth to breath and then water dribbling out the other side! Afterwards, make sure you have tissue handy. All those “nooks and crannies” are flushed out and “thar she blows.”

One weird part about the experience is that it doesn’t go in one nostril and out the other, it takes a little time for the solution to come back out of the lower nostril. Made me think, “Where on earth did it go?”

No problems doing the right side, but I was a little spastic with the left side. Maybe I didn’t tilt my head enough on the left or my left hand wasn’t use to the position, but I kept swallowing the water. Eww. Finally did manage it.

Oh and for those interested, I’d do it again. Only this time, I’d try it early on instead of waiting to find out I have a sinus infection, once that familiar tickle and scratch in my throat starts I’ll use the neti pot. (Doctor gave me a shot and put me on antibiotics.)

Thanks a bunch for all your well wishes and some great ideas on sinus pressure! You introduced me to the Neti-Pot and I’m also going to try Holly’s idea.


Anonymous said…
i've always been a wee bit scared of the neti pot. i may have to give it a try.
Debbie Y. said…
Since having a sinus polyp removed a couple of years ago, I have to irrigate with warm salt water daily. Same principal as the neti pot. Very gross and no I don't do this procedure in front of my hubby. Also makes me gag, even though I have been doing it for a while. I also love using Vicks Vaporub when I am stuffy, just makes me feel better just smelling it cause it reminds me of when my mom used to rub me down with it.

Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Hippomanic Jen said…
Sounds like you're on the mend. I hope you get well quickly.

I loved the instructional video - no puffy eyes, red nose. A totally normal individual (except that she could touch her toes and most people I know can't!). I'm certain it would have more impact if the video was done by someone who couldn't actually breathe through their nose.
*Akilah Sakai* said…
I've never heard of a neti pot before. Good to know!

Feel better!
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
Oh, ugh, ick. But I know it works. I've never tried it, but one of my sons lives by it. I'm glad that you are daring and bold, and obviously very sassy! :-) Lucky to have a guy like Greg!
Anonymous said…
Good job!! :)
Kristi said…
Isn't it the weirdest thing!? Keep doing it and you'll be better in no time (especially with those antibiotics! lol). Oh, I forgot to mention I just use warm water right out of the tap, mixed w/the packet of saline. I think the directions say to use distilled water, but seriously, who wants to go to all that trouble when you feel like crap!
Jessica said…
I was thinking about trying it, that you have, maybe I will. :)
Brandy said…
Hey whatever works! I'd use it if it would mean I could breathe again.

Glad to hear you are feeling better!
Vikki North said…
Oprah actually featured the neti pot on her show a while back with Dr. Oz. The Doctor claimed it was the best thing since sliced bread and a woman demonstrated it right on the show.

Hope you feel better soon,
A New Yorker said…
HAHA! I forgot about those. I've never used one but they are very holistic and I see them all the time in the new age store.
The Blonde Duck said…
That's really interesting. I'll have to check that out. I'm a emergen-c girl myself.
nikkicrumpet said…
YIKES...I sure hope I don't ever have to do that. I'm not sure I could! I do hope it helped you feel better!
Unknown said…
I just couldn't do it. The neti pot puts a strange fear into me.
Kavi said…
it is simple yet scary ! but i think i need to give it a shot !

This indeed is interesting ! Thanks for sharing
kari and kijsa said…
Haven't tried it, but will keep it in mind!
Happy Saturday!
kari & kijsa
We also do it without the pot, but of course not so effectively. We just cup some water in our palm, put in under the nose and inhale. The resulting sting in the nose is painfully cleansing.
Rashikaps said…
Hey Aleta, I hope you're feeling better now. The neti-pot treatment is a very old and effective one.. water therapy as it's known in yoga ..
In my case, sinusitis is accompanied by terrible headaches. What works for me is steam inhalation before a nap.. Boil water in a pan in which you've thrown a bit of vicks vaporub or a few drops of eucalyptus oil.
Walker said…
I don't know.
Last time I stuck something up my nose i needed rehab.
Is it addicting?
Jennifer said…
I've never tried it--but my husband swears by it!
Pearl said…
I've heard only good things about the neti pot. If you've got the guts to do it, it's a winner!
Michael Horvath said…
I never tried a neti-pot but one time I was so miserable I snorted salt water. I'm telling you, I felt THAT BAD. Glad it was only once!