Hurricane Ike
My grandfather on Dad's side ~ his name was Ike. He passed away when I was a little girl. Dad found some pictures that I treasure, of PawPaw holding Rob and me.
Dad's running joke about the hurricane is, "Hurricane Ike is coming here to give me the whooping that I deserve!"
We're keeping a close eye, but praying we don't need to leave. If it stays this track, we aren't going to evacuate. This last time was too hard on Greg. It took us 2 hours to get to Hammond when we left for Gustav. By the time we arrived at the hotel, Greg didn't have feeling in his left leg!
After calling Sally (one of Greg's friends who is an RN) and explaining how he felt, she advised that if his leg became swollen or it progressed, to bring him to the emergency room at the Hammond hospital. She thought it might be a pinched nerve from his back though and that seems to be the case. Even at home now, he can't sit upright for too long before it starts affecting his leg.
That being said ~ hopefully we can ride out Hurricane Ike in the comfort of home. Here's the latest track:

Have a good day - Kellan
Maybe Ike will fall apart after it leaves Cuba.
Hi Mommy ~ It does look like Ike took a beating downgraded to a Cat 1. You would think after Gustav that the waters would be stirred up and cooled off even that another hurricane soon following wouldn’t get to a Cat 3, but they are predicting it for Ike.
Hi Lauren ~ Thank you. Yes, they are terrible and sometimes… I wonder about living here. But it’s home, you know? I guess the same way that people feel in California or those along Tornado alley. Mother Nature is everywhere. We’re lucky to call any place home.