Memorial Weekend Fun

I was visiting a blog and the first post that I came to for this lady’s site said that she liked to see random pictures of where a person lives. Sort of like peeking into a person’
s life, but not a peeping tom! I liked the pictures that she posted and started off doing something similar, only to be caught up in a game with Greg and the boys across the street.

The pics are in the house with Tigs, Greg standing by the painting his Mom did of one of the plantation homes, me with Pebbles (see honey, I didn’t cut my hair short!) then I went outside and took a picture of the chair and patio set that we repainted and put in the front garden (you might be able to make out the swan stained glass that I did. I love the tube like flowers in the front of the picture because they attract the hummingbirds).
Greg was across the street with his three-man slingshot. I was taking pictures of them and couldn’t resist, "I’d like to try!" They were aiming water balloons into a garbage can. My first try was totally off. Jacob ran to the garbage can and yelled back, "Aim at me! Aim at me!" Greg held one side of the slingshot and Brent held the other side. I loaded the water balloon and pulled back hard. Whooshhh and Popp! I made my target! Jacob go hit head on with catching it in his hands and he waved his hands in the air, "That hurt!" Greg said, "I wish we had a picture of your shot!" We laughed and played some more. I couldn’t believe how much fun it was! Greg is great with kids…

Looks like you guys had a fun time with the water balloons! I'm so glad you visited my site and took up the same idea.
My hubby thought I would get a stalker if I posted to much personal stuff.. arggghhh
I guess it was kind of a compliment! hahha
Anyway... I'm gonna keep checking back on ya.....
Off to take some more pix!
I think you have a great idea of sharing and love the goat picture!
Love the new pix. Greg has some BIG GUNS for sure! hehehehe I see the neighborhood kids joined in the fun. I bet your house is the neighborhood favorite for the kiddos! Keep taking pix!
with never really knowing who we are communicating to and how real or unreal they are in this virtual world - it is your freshness that makes you so unique!
lady blue
Yeah, I love those muscles of his! Greg really is great with the kids. And he’ll admit he’s a kid at heart! He enjoys life, which is something I find so attractive. I’ll keep taking pics, but they might have a dark line going across the top until I get the new camera in or borrow Greg’s. My Siamese, Tigger, decided to crash my camera into the tile floor! I might borrow Greg’s for the time being.
Hi Lady Blue! Being myself is the easiest thing to do. My Dad says “You wear your heart on your sleeve, Aleta.” It’s true. I can’t get away with a lie or not being me, because my face gives it away too quickly. Best to be me and stick with that, I figure. Lol. Thank you for your kind words and enjoying my blog!