Letter to my son

Dear Son,

You've learned so much already, my sweet boy.  I don't know when you will read these letters... maybe it will be when you need them most in order to help you through a situation or prepare you for the future.

Let's talk about anger for a moment.  You don't get angry that often.  Mostly it's when you are tired, which makes anger a secondary emotion.  Your anger is often short lived and forgotten quickly.

Sometimes friends or family can go through a very difficult time in life and then feel the need to take out their anger on those who love them.

You might find yourself in a situation like this.  If so, try to help the person.  However if you realize there's a level of toxicity that you can't have in your life, then walk away and keep the person in your prayers.  You can love someone and need to put space between them as well.

I can give you a sample of when I was toxic.  For my divorce, I was angry.  I thought I handled myself well, but the fact is that we all say stupid things when we are in pain.  In my situation, those years ago, I lost some friends for a period of time.  Thankfully, those friends are still in my life and love and support me.  But for a brief few months, there was emptiness that was created from my pain.

Just know that if you are the toxic one, you can always reach out to find love of family and friends after you have time to heal your emotions.  If the other person is toxic, then walk away and keep them in your prayers and keep an open heart for the future.

You are my heart, sweet boy.

Uncle Sonny and Aunt Sophia came in town for their 50th anniversary.  Mommy made the cake for them.  We visited with Oma and Opa and Uncle Sonny and Aunt Sophia.  Uncle Sonny and Oma reminisced about childhood and school days.

Uncle Sonny said, "I had dyslexia.  I couldn't understand the words.  The worst was when the teacher flashed the words on the screen.  I didn't know if I was stupid."

You were working in another room on your homework when Uncle Sonny spoke.  You snuck into our room with a funny expression on your face.  Uncle Sonny said, "I think someone is trying to get out of doing schoolwork."  You replied, "No, I'm not."  You came up to me, pointed to Uncle Sonny and whispered in my ear, "Umm, Mommy....  That boy said stupid."  Then you ran out of the room.

I busted out laughing and told Uncle Sonny that you tattled on him, "We don't say the word stupid in our home."  Uncle Sonny laughed and said, "He said "that boy".  He gave me a compliment."

Aunt Sophia said that she loved your chin.  She said, "It's just like Paps.  It is his chin."  That made me smile.

Tonight is the second Wednesday you will miss out on choir.  Last week we were on vacation (I will have to do a letter all by itself for the trip) and this week the choir is cancelled.  You love going to choir, doing the secret passwords and singing.  While you attend choir, Mommy and Daddy go to Wednesday night service at church.

At school, you received two birthday invitations.  We couldn't go to Kylie's party, because we were on vacation.  You were really upset about missing her party.  When we went to the store, you wanted to pick out the gifts for Kylie and Lilly.  You were so careful about what you thought they would like.  Then you picked out their cards (and even wrote your name in them) AND you determined that each girl should have a different gift wrapping paper and different bow.  So cute.  So thoughtful.

Recently Mommy made two treats for your school.  Your classroom theme is owls.  The first treat:  cupcake owls!  The second treat had to be healthy - fruit in the shape of an owl.  The teacher said that the kids loved both.  It's fun to do these things for your classroom.

I love how you describe things.  The bug mobile was at your school.  I asked you about the experience.  You exclaimed, "I touched TWO caterpillars!  The small one felt like a marshmallow.  The big one felt like a rock!  But you have to be careful, some caterpillars can hurt you."

You told me, "Mommy, my favorite color is blue."  I asked "You used to say your favorite color is pink.  Why did you change it?"  You explained, "Because pink is for girls and blue is for boys."  I said, "Well, that's okay.  I like blue too, like your blue eyes."

Your confidence in reading is growing.  You are reading by sounding out words and recognizing site words.  I get new books for you, to inspire your love of the written word.  We went to Reading to Rover night at the library.  Benny's owner was impressed with your reading.  You only read the blue alien book once before, about 3 weeks ago.  You did beautifully.  She wanted to know your age, thinking you were in the first grade.  (no, only pre k 4)

Daddy has a new game of "who can write the alphabet the fastest" - every now and then you make mistakes, because you are trying to do something quickly.  But the game has taught you that you can write and focus and go quickly.  Every now and then you want to reverse the lower case r.  Every now and then you confuse the lower case b and d sounds.  But it's not consistent.

TJ is back home with his Mommy and Daddy.  You miss him.  You said that TJ loved doing things that you like doing and that TJ is talking a lot now.  You tried to teach him how to go to the potty.  TJ did the same thing that you did when Daddy tried to show you how to potty standing up - tried to reach for the pee!  Too funny.

I have so much to share about our vacation.  Right now, as I type this, you are drawing pictures from the vacation.  I sure hope I can catch up with the vacation, especially as October looks to be a fast pace month with lots of fun Halloween things to go to!

We decorated for Halloween before we left for vacation.  Last night, Mommy went with Aunt Kim and Aunt Stephanie to a sewing class.  We made a table runner.  It was fun.  You loved the fall colors.  You also love the yard art work that Mommy bought.  Seeing the simple joy of decorations light up your face with smiles... it makes me smile too.

You make life beautiful.

Love Always,
