Going Private

Just wanted to drop a line that in a couple of days, this blog will be going private.  I might still post, but it won't be open to the public and will just be more baby stuff.  If you want to keep up on the baby pictures, feel welcome to friend me on Facebook, see link at the top of the blog.

I'll still visit blogs and later, might bring this one back online, but for now, I just this need, so I'm going with my gut.


Mari said…
I'll be sad to see you go - but hopefully you'll pop up again later~!
Cyndy Bush said…
Hope everything is ok!
Jessica Anne said…
I hope everything is alright! Glad we can keep up on FB :) I don't want to miss those cute little baby smiles!
The Forscheins said…
I'm keeping you in my blogger newsfeed though. So I can see when you have a new story up again, when the time comes. And I'll "see" you on Facebook of course. I've found private blogging a good way to keep a permanent diary for the girls and am still enjoying it.