Simple Salad

I'm always saying that we need more veggies in our meals.  I love salads, but I'm more of a "chef salad" - everything and the kitchen sink goes into it.  But my husband prefers a very simple salad.

Simple Salad it is :)

Lettuce - I buy the bag of lettuce

Small tomato

Small yellow onion

Sunflower seeds (ok, if it's going to be a simple salad, I have to have sunflower seeds!)



The lettuce, even in the bags is still sometimes too long, so I tear the pieces up to make it smaller.

Cut the tomato into small pieces (not diced though)

Chop the onions (I don't cut it into rings, I chop it)

The main thing my husband and I like about salads is that we shouldn't need to "cut" it with a knife.  The pieces should be bite sized.  Sometimes people put these huge chunks of veggies into a salad and you feel like you need a steak knife in order to eat a salad!

The salad goes into a nice sized bowl, sunflower seeds on the side, pepper on the ready, as well as the salad dressing.

Super quick, super easy.  Little bit of veggies in the diet and a nice filler to a meal.
