Confession of pinterest

I have a confession.... I don't get the Pinterest fad. It looks like a grouping of pictures that you like. A collage of things you want or enjoy or.... but why? What's the fascination with it? I know this is late in the game to be asking this... but I don't see why people were rushing into it with such... addiction.


I LOVE PINTEREST! I couldn't understand what the hype was about, but I knew it had to be good if so many of my friends were raving about it. I got on there and spent about half an hour playing around with stuff until I finally got how it could be helpful to me. I think you really have to just get in there and start pinning to see the value in it. I didn't realize just how great of a tool it was until I had been on there a week or so. WOW! So many recipes and DIY craft projects from like minded people. I'm in heaven. :)
Head Ant said…
It is like bookmarking, but with pictures and categories. I hate searching through regular bookmarks!
I use it to group recipes, crafts, decor, and homeschooling ideas.
M.J. Fifield said…
I personally haven't used Pinterest. I've heard a lot of about it on various blogs though. People do seem to love it.
Broot said…
I learn a lot of useful things on Pinterest! :)