Confession about pizza

I have a confession...

What do you like on your pizza?

Canadian Bacon?
Breakfast Bacon?
Bell Peppers?

My husband can order his pizza any way that he wants it. And he can have it all. The entire thing.

Because I don't eat pizza. I know, that's.... un-American. But it's true. I just don't like it. Just thinking about it makes me want to gag!


Ugich Konitari said…
Pepperoni people,
Ham heroes,
Svelte sausages,
Busy Bacon types,
Canadian or otherwise;
Or be it
Blooming bell peppers,
Blushing tomatoes,
Tearful Onions
Doubtful Mushrooms
and the like.....

Each by itself
is fine and friendly;
what bothers her,
is this
overpoweringly political
flour and yeast
saucy and cheesy
like a political party
grabbing members
of all kinds
to make itself acceptable to the world ....

But pizza is one of the four food groups!
I like pepperoni and jalapeno on mine.
M.J. Fifield said…
I'm not a huge fan of pizza. I'll eat it from time to time because my significant other likes it and it's much easier to order pizza than actually cook something.

I generally go with plain cheese. Maybe some hamburger.
Cperz said…
I don't think I have ever met someone that doesn't like pizza. I don't think it is weird or anything...just rare. I rarely eat it. Maybe once or twice a year as most of it just is high in calories and fat and there are things I like more that are better for me. People think that is very weird of me.
julie fedderson said…
I like pizza occasionally, but too many late night Domino's runs in college have left me burned out! If I eat it now, I like to go to those places that make it on a woodfire grill and try unusual ingredients like artichokes and chicken. Had a fig and brie dessert pizza once that was really good.
Head Ant said…
Right now, I have an aversion to pizza. It was the last thing I ate before coming up with a stomach virus this weekend.
Tara R. said…
I don't know if I could not eat pizza. I like mine with everything too, except mushrooms... but that's a whole 'nother story.