Question 6 Mainstream Music

30 Question Challenge

Question 6: View on Mainstream Music

Well, this is going to be a short post, because heck if I know what mainstream music is. I’m not a song snob. If I like it, I like it, but don’t ask me the singer or group or type of music. Or even the name of the song, Lol.

If we’re talking Pop Rock as mainstream, mostly I like it. But I also like Classical songs and Country tunes and Oldies (my parents’ childhood oldies music).

If we’re talking Rap as mainstream, eh… there are songs few and far between that I like coined as rap, but there are some.


Cperz said…
I totally agree with you. The top 40 kind of music, I like a lot of it but I don't "get" a lot of the true rap stuff. I like a lot of genres of music. My ability to like music means there has to be a tune that is "hummable".
The music I like is definitely not mainstream. At least not here in the USA. (Progressive rock is very popular in Europe though.)
Anonymous said…
I like a variety of music. If it moves me, I will listen. I like songs throughout the entire music spectrum.
Mark said…
I only know contemporary music through my children. Otherwise, I wouldn't know it at all. And as far as RAP goes, if most of it is singing and just a little bit of rap is in it, I guess I can handle it.
Kimberly said…
I do like a variety of music, but a lot of today's newest stuff I just don't understand!
LindyLouMac said…
Mainstream music must surely depend on the individuals taste and therefore vary from person to person. :)