Question 2 Something You feel Strongly About

30 Question Challenge

Question 2: Something you feel strongly about

Well, my gosh, that’s a loaded gun. What isn’t there to feel strongly about?

Politics (I refuse to go there on this blog. There are already too many political blogs available for rants; this isn’t one of them. But I will say this, neither Republican nor Democrat truly represents me. It’s a mixture of both and none.),

Abortion (I’m pro-choice but I’d hope the decision would be made with all information available and other options strongly considered first.),

Education (please teach your children to respect our teachers, young minds will grow in leaps and bounds if they respect),

Domestic Violence or animal cruelty (especially babies and animals, they depend upon us),

The RIGHT to bare arms (we have more than just a few guns in the house and I believe in having guns, but ALSO believe that those who own them should have a compete background check, not just an application to fill out – people lie.)

As strongly as I feel about these subjects, I can understand with my heart the opposing views and appreciate them without getting into a debate. I’m not a debater by nature. :) I honestly considered not answering this question, because these are typical hot topics and I'm not trying to light any fuses.


julie fedderson said…
Nothing wrong with having strong convictions. I admire someone who can say what they feel, yet still appreciate an opposing opinion.
Unknown said…
Your responses to these issues seem to be well thought out. I have similar stances on these topics, being somewhere in the middle of political blue & red, and somewhere in between on the abortion issue too.

Also, I love your blog design! And I dig that you have a cat & dog. I do too. I'm a huge "animal person" and love my furbabies along with my real babies :)
No fuse lit here! Hate animal abuse as well. And after the fiasco with our country's debt, I don't think either party represents anyone.
I love that you can state how you feel, but you also recognize that other views exist. If only more people in the world were like that...
G. J. Jolly said…
Good question. I feel strongly about letting life be as it is. Let Mother Nature handle things. This doesn't mean we should do nothing but it seems that we're always trying to fix what doesn't need fixing.