Sunday Confessions

I have a confession... and I figured Sunday is a good day to do that :)

It all started when I lived in Slidell. I had to drive from Slidell to work (about an hour drive in decent traffic) every day and I did this for 2 1/2 years. I couldn't stand the drive. It was all Interstate driving, but there's a particular area that drivers get a little, no, a LOT crazy on the road.

Like I said, that's when it started... when I started praying in the car, every morning going to work. Because it was a long drive, there was plenty of time to "talk with God."

Even when I moved back to my home town and the drive was quickly made to work, the morning commute prayers kept going. I don't pray in a church, I pray on the road. I know that sounds strange, but there you go. :)

And oh yeah, I should add, that I talk out loud when I'm praying in the car.. helps me to concentrate (on the road and on my words :) I figure with all the new fangled technology, if someone sees me talking in the car by myself they'll think I'm using a speaker phone or something of that nature. (Actually, the Ford Edge that I drive DOES have that capability of calling people and talking on the phone through the car, which is pretty cool.)

Hope the weekend didn't rush by too quickly for you!


Kavi said…
Thats not a confession ! Thats a rather nice piece of information to share !

The Mean Stoner said…
Nothing wrong with doing what works for you. (I, too, talk to myself in the car, but it normally revolves around wanting to stab stupid drivers with sporks) At least you are making the effort to do it on a regular basis, I don't think the where matters.
Broot said…
I think that if that works best for you, then it's fantastic that you do that and who cares what people think! :)
Anonymous said…
I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing if we don't pray in church. I feel anywhere and at anytime we can be heard. I can relate to you on those long commutes and I'll do anything to keep me awake!
SG said…
A happy coincidence that I chanced on your blog, and saw Slidell mentioned. I have memories of a wonderful trip on Amtrak from Tuscaloosa, AL to New Orleans. The stretch from Slidell to new Orleans was like a dream, it was as if the train was flying over water.
And I agree with Heather, nothing wrong in doing what works for you.
An excellent Sunday Confession. I pray everywhere and sometimes I do it out loud too.

I go to church, but I'm not one of those people who's "in your face" with my faith. In fact, the other day, a friend was stressed out about something and I said to her, "Oh, I pray for you all the time, I just don't tell you about it, but you've been at the top of my list this week!" She was shocked!
martha said…
I do that too, pray and sing loudly inthe car. :)
Natalie said…
That is something we all should probably do a little more often!
I find I pray better when I am on my own somewhere quiet than in church. I feel a little self-conscious and distracted in church. At home, I can lay in bed and silently give my thanks.
I think that's a sweet confession. Better than me, who struggles with every aspect of faith still.