Drama Free Heart

It's good for the heart to have a drama free life.

I try to stay away from the drama. I listen when a friend needs to vent, because venting is a release so that you can get it out of your system. But those friends have real concerns. Some people create drama to keep themselves entertained. I've never understood that....

Is there a rush in the drama feeling? I'd rather exercise to get that rush or do something exciting!

In trying to lead a healthier life, I'm looking for ways to keep the drama out and thought of a few things...

- Keep in touch with positive people! They are a joy and make life so much more pleasant. Sure, life is never constantly positive, but those positive people keep forging forward and don't dwell in the past and they let go of hurts.

- My teachers used to call me a worrier, because I was always worried what I made on my tests. I guess worrying is my way of expressing concern and that I really care. It does create a sense of drama.... Greg is able to show concern but not be a worrier. I'm going to try to be more like him and just "know" that everything works out for the best. It's the "attitude makes the difference" in life approach.

- Someone once told me... don't recall who, might have been my Dad. Hehe. "Don't give a rat's ass!" Ok, for important stuff, yes, give a rat's behind. But for the small stuff, the rumors that people try to talk about, let it "wash away from you like water off a duck's back." If someone wants to say something ugly to you or lie about you, wash it away and walk away. Defense isn't even necessary - it feeds the drama.

Drama = Stress = Unhealthy

It's time to be good to my heart :) = Drama Free Life


CB said…
Oh don't I totally agree!
I have learned to not respond to negative things and if I feel angry to walk away. The drama is not worth it.
The other day at work a friend and I had a task to complete and when we were nearing the end she confided that she was competative and trying to be faster than me. I told her I was not competative at all and she should have told me and I would have let her win. Ha Ha
It is not worth the stress!
Be happy!!
Anonymous said…
Thats the woman I love!

Life is FAR too short, as well as there are SO many more important priorities.

Anyone fueled by drama and competitiveness should go do volunteer work at a Children's Hospital or Hospice Care. It puts things in perspective very quickly. VERY quickly.

Laugh Hard,
Love Harder,
Live life... cause you never know when your number comes up.

No regrets... period.

I love you!

You have such a great outlook on life! Yes, stay away from those who suck the life out of you with their melodramatic lives.
Kavi said…
What an inspiring message to live easy, live light and live life ! King size !

Joanna Jenkins said…
I'm with you. I try to keep drama to a minimum.
Happy weekend, jj
Anonymous said…
Girl, Girl, didn't we just have this conversation the other day
:-) Hugs... KRL