Home for the Holidays

"Did we get any mail today?" It's a question asked from time to time. If it's not junk mail, then it's bills.

But during Christmas time ~ it's completely different! The mailbox delivers gifts of good tidings in envelopes, sometimes with glitter on them, sometimes there's a letter updating on the year's recap, but always bringing a smile. On December 1st, we received our first Christmas card from a good friend in Texas! How exciting!

Christmas cards make me smile. Oh sure, it takes time to write out the addresses and all, but it's so worth it, knowing that it made someone else smile, wishing them joy and happiness!

If you'd like to be added to my Christmas card list, drop me an email at aleta.grimball@gmail.com

And, if you'd like to participate in "Holiday Mail for Heroes" - below is the address. Holiday Mail for Heroes is sponsered by American Red Cross. You mail Christmas cards to the address and American Red Cross distributes the cards to service members and veterans. ** THE CARD MUST BE POSTMARKED BY NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 10TH **

Holiday Mail for Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD. 20791-5456


Travis Erwin said…
I thought all good things came from Texas.
Golden Eagle said…
I love Christmas cards . . . :)
The Forscheins said…
Love this post. There are so many people who won't get to be home for the holidays each year b/c of their service to this country. It's awesome to see that there are so many people who care enough to send a care-package or Christmas card to them. Especially single service people often tend to have a hard time I think around this time of year. Thanks Aleta, for posting about this! I truely hope it inspires people. My heart aches for military people who cannot be home so often.
Jules said…
I love lining my half wall with them but over the past couple of years the number is falling. I get most of mine via email and I'm too cheap to print them. :)

Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow
Kavi said…
Ah the lost art of festival greetings ! Your post reminded me of that..

Greetings on the festival season !