Attitude of Gratitude

"Attitude of Gratitude"

That’s what my friend, Gwen, recently said on Facebook. She said that I inspired that quote and Wow – what a compliment! I’m happy to be a positive inspiration.

My friends help me through so much ~ sometimes just because they let me vent, lend an ear and offer suggestions and continued strength. We are not an island to ourselves. We need communication and crave togetherness.

I’m incredibly grateful for my friends.

Not only for the wonderful friends that I know in real life, but also all you wonderful bloggy friends! Connections across the world, seeing the every day life and the joys and tears – sharing – it’s important; it’s valuable.

Thank you *hugs


RGB said…
You are such a wonderful being. Your posts are also inspiring - teaching others the value of loving, caring and sharing, and I guess that's above everything else. God bless you!
Golden Eagle said…
"Attitude of gratitude"--now that's a good philosophy!
Kavi said…
Attitude of gratitude !! Thats something to live by indeed !!
