Appreciate this..

I'm grateful that my husband appreciates my creativity and he encourages it.

He doesn't get irritated or annoyed when I want to spend time making jewelry. He'll offer suggestions and *cough* sometimes disagree with my color choices. Lol. (I promise he never has to wear it!)

He doens't mind the hours I might spend working on iMovies. In fact, he showed me iMovies on the iMac and gets a kick out of me using it. He's also given me some great ideas on finishing touches with the movies.

Not only does Greg appreciate and encourage, he participates by helping me and offering ideas.

(I realized a little too late that some iMovies were too long to go on the MobileMe site, so I'll have to trim them down some.)


Jules said…
Sounds like you definitely have someone there to be thankful for :D
Jules @ Trying To Get Over The Rainbow