NBWM25 Last Name

Greg received a Name Game and sent his answers to me. Thought I'd share this with you (and also because it's getting towards the end of NaBloWriMo and my brain is turning to mush)..

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Use the 1st. letter of your last name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names, things, nothing made up.

1 What is your last name OBrien

2An animal Orangoutang

3A boy's name Owen

4A girl's name Ophelia

5 Occupation Oiler

6 A color Orange

7 Something you wear Opal (Aleta here - I loved this answer, being that it's my birthstone!)

8 A beverage Orange Crush

9 A food Olive

10 Something found in the bathroom Old Spice

11 A place Orlando

12 A reason for being late Overslept

13 Something you shout (Aleta here - I busted out laughing with Greg's answer below)

OH! Oh! Oh! Oh!…….. OOOOoooooooooooooo! (light cigarette)


A New Yorker said…
funny. OK I think I'll play but I won't list my name online. because of my troll I'm going to figure out a way to list the first question without it relating to my last name's initial.
Travis Erwin said…
I might steal this one and do it also. Love that last one.
RGB said…
Oh...that's interesting, some funny too!