The Movie Inception

This past weekend, Greg and I watched the movie, "Inception." I love movies like this, makes me want to go back and watch it again to see the details I missed and the clues that flew by me.

Have you seen the movie? What did you think of it?

If you have already seen the movie, click on this link to read a neat take on it!

Don't click on it though, if you haven't seen it - major spoilers included.


larkswing said…
I have not seen it yet, hope to in the next week or so though. I have been watching for it since early in the year when I saw the preview. Can't wait!
CB said…
I am waiting for my son to come home next weekend so we can see together! I can't wait!
RGB said…
Been reading quite a lot of rave reviews on it. Must go to watch it sometime soon!
CB said…
OK we saw Inception and I LOVED IT!! I think I need to see it again too - it had so many twists and turns.