Servicing Your Car

Have you ever brought your vehicle in to a dealership for service? Ever found anything missing? Ever wonder if the people working on your vehicle are doing anything other than fixing it?

A little history on this link ~ a guy named Jason brought his vehicle to the Toyota dealership and complained of theft… afterwards, he placed a video camera in the car for the second visit for service. Click on the link to read the letter Jason wrote to the dealership with his findings. It is unbelievable and makes me want to leave a video cam if ever I bring in my car! (If you live in Louisiana, please note - this happened at a Louisiana dealership!!)

Click Here


Laurel said…
I think that service manager must be an addict. He couldn't even remember that he took the keys out of the ignition!
Anonymous said…
wow! I always make sure my car is pretty clean...and I never leave any key except my car key in the car...I am just floored. I am forwarding this to my husband. He thinks I am a nervous nelly about these things, but it just proves that I am right! This DOES happen!!
Kimberly said…
Finally. I made it in!! LOL! Dang internet connection. Anyhoodles, I'm going now to see the letter.
*Akilah Sakai* said…
People tell me not to take it to the dealer 'cos they'll break stuff so you'll have to return again and again for servicing ... not the robbery parts.

Off to read the link.
Kavi said…
Man oh man. I have to service my car this weekend. And there are quite a few things to get done there. And its scary !

If this is the case with a Toyota dealership...i wonder how the rest would be
Darlene said…
That is unbelievable!!! I am so glad the car owner took action! We use our Toyota dealership all the time and I am glad to say have never had a problem, though I take everything out of my truck before it ever goes in for anything.
A New Yorker said…
I didn't watch the video yet but I can tell you that when I bring my car to the shop I stand there and annoy the living crap out of them and see what they are doing. I half act stupid and then throw in something that screws with their head to let them know I know what the deal is. Needless to say I get good service.
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!! Shocking! And very disappointing.
Jenners said…
Oh Dear. I did not need to know I have something else to add to my paranoia list!
Ugich Konitari said…
I think this Jason guy did the right thing. And although the 3 guys were fired, the dealership chief who ignored the earlier crib letters is equally to blame.
CB said…
I wish I could say I was shocked but I have had money taken. I keep change in my ashtray and it has been cleaned out several times.

Now I usually take everything out of my car - change, CD's and even personal papers because you never know.

My husband thinks I am being overcautious and maybe I am but this certainly proves something.
Vikki North said…
That is so shocking to actually see how they go about stealing and snooping so calmly like it‘s part of their work. I bet we’ve all had the experience and just not realized it. I used to keep change in my ashtray for parking meters. I remember it being gone after servicing.

I own a Jaguar now and when I purchased it- the manufacture supplied what they call 'a valet key.' It will only start the engine. They have no access to any compartments in the car, including the trunk -all of which come with locks.

One other good tip is to never leave your main key clip that has your house key on it. Have a single and separate key for your mechanic, restaurant valets, etc. I think that self explanatory.

Joanna Jenkins said…
You can only imagine what Los Angeles Valet Parkers do in your car. Oy!
Rush said…
the same thing happened in San Diego.
Anil took it for servicing to Firestone and the next day some issue..when we complained..they said its not our fault, we thought of getting a case done but didnt wanna get into any more hassles.

we now get things done at dealerships, and now i read this!! looks like nothing is worth trusting!!
Sujata said…
Wow, i will make sure to take precautions.
Tabitha Blue said…
OMG!! I was appalled and a little creeped out, wow. I've often wondered about that... and I think this was a great idea. I may have to try that net time myself. Ugh!!!

Letterlady said…
Thanks for posting this. Just like my Hotel Horror Stories, businesses need to be held accountable for these kind of shennanigans!

jen's farmily said…
I hate, HATE taking my vehicle anywhere to get it worked on just for this purpose!!

Great link, I'm postin' that one on my fb!!
Rene said…
It's always great to hear when a consumer wins.

I would have filed a complaint with the Toyota's regional manager in charge of service. Auto manufacturers often rate dealers on their customer service so it can impact the dealers relationship.

I used to have a Chrysler and the dealer would state that there is no problem with my car - even though I was sure there was. I would pull out the Chrysler's Service Bulletin and then describe how I know that they are wrong. After catching the service manager twice on this, I often asked for him to service my car every time -- he knew I cross checked everything that was performed and that I was an informed consumer.