R and R


railroad crossing

rest and relaxation

No ~ I coined it as Rob and Roda ~ R&R. (my brother and sister-in-law) Isn’t that cute? Greg said, “We need something like that for us.” Hehe.

Well, R&R have their first anniversary plans already in motion. Rob surprised Roda with a gift. The First Year anniversary is symbolized by a gift made out of paper. Their wedding anniversary is in September, so it was given early, but with good reason.

The paper Rob gave to Roda was a ticket! A flight to the Philippines on their anniversary for a week. I thought that was such an incredibly sweet and thoughtful gift. I’m happy for them!

This way, Rob will have the opportunity to meet Roda’s mom and her two brothers and get to know the place where Roda was raised. It’s so romantic! Kudos to you, Rob.

I asked Greg, “What do you think we can do for our wedding anniversary?”

Greg responded, “Fix the AC and heater unit in the attic!”

I laughed, because, truth be told, I was thinking the same thing. It might not be romantic and going away somewhere, but it’s certainly a priority and need. Once we get that monster project finished, we’ll both breath a sight of relief (just to save for the expense of the fix, it will take until January!). Thankfully, my parents enjoy "family vacations" and we have some opportunities coming up to go to some lovely places.

In the meantime, I’m looking forward to R&R coming back with some beautiful pictures and wonderful memories to share.


Darlene said…
What a fabulous gift and so many memories will be made on that trip. I know the pictures will be great!
How sweet of your brother to take his bride to the Philippines for their anniversary! I love how he incorporated 'paper' into his gift. :)
A New Yorker said…
Those fixes are perfect for your
1st Ann. gift. Keeping your cool in a marriage is the most important thing don'tcha think? LOL
Kimberly said…
I think that our first anneversary was spent fixing something as well...lol, priorities first!!

Someday....sigh...we'll do something fantastic.
Kavi said…
In the corporate world out here..R&R stands for 'Rewards and Recognition' !

Somehow seems appropriate to the scheme of things here !

And ah..priorities. Priorities ! How they come in. And have a blast on the 1st anniversary !

Joanna said…
Good plan to do the romantic stuff early. The later the years go the more it just gets harder to get away and do stuff.
Grand Pooba said…
How sweet! A plane ticket! And I was thinking he would just give her stationary or something lame like that. lol
I'd like a plant ticket for my anniversary. Oh JOHN????

Hallie :)
Holly said…
Ok, how stupid of me to not know/not realize/not catch on that Roda is your S-I-L! I thought she was 'just' your best friend. How awesome that she's your SIL to boot!

Great gift as well - he did do well! As for you & Greg's anniversary plans - you guys have already had some sweet romantic trips, and sometimes the 'non-special' date ones are better - no pressure for it to be 'perfect' because it's this anniversary or that anniversary. I think you guys have fun together no matter what you are doing!
What a thoughtful and exciting gift! And a lovely opportunity to know a new place in a new light (and getting all sorts of pampering that a son-in-law gets in Asian countries). Rocking and Rolling!
Mari said…
What a sweet and thoughtful gift!
septembermom said…
Your brother is a sweet guy! They look like a lovely couple. They are going to make some wonderful memories on that trip:)
Intense Guy said…
What a cool gift idea and a splendid gift!

Sometimes you just have to go with the practical - like my mailbox which was a birthday gift - after the neighbor across the street ran the old one over for the third time in a week, totally destroying it.
MaricrisG said…
My 1st thot when I saw R&R's pic was that she looks Filipina and when you mentioned Philippines, I just smiled. I rarely see fellow Filipinos anywhere and it makes me proud when I see them around the blogosphere or related to someone. Tell your sis-in-law "kumusta?". Glad to find your blog. Hope to be back.
MaricrisG said…
I'm following you now to make sure I come back :)
Ugich Konitari said…
I am just totally impressed with Rob's planning of stuff. And yes, By Greg's planning of stuff too. Happy anniversaries to all of you and may you all have a wonderful time.
grace said…
i always thought the notion of a paper gift was lame, but that was a thoughtful and terrific present!
meanwhile, i could use a little r&r too. :)
Carma Sez said…
Wow. Your brother is so thoughtful. What a great gift. And I hope your gift of a new AC system works out just as well!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for stopping by my blog. I know Greg can come up with something perty nice (not expensive but nice) in 5 months, 1 week and 5 days. 'o)
*Akilah Sakai* said…
Now that's a creative. A ticket! What a lovely trip to take for their anniversary.

(Award for you over on my blog, Aleta.)
♥ Boomer ♥ said…
Sweet, sweet, sweet!!! ♥
Rush said…
a flight ticket to philliphines as an anniversary gift...amazing, it will be a great reunion..please do a continuing post wit pictures and more after they are back from their trip :)
Joanna Jenkins said…
Sounds like a perfect anniversary gift-- So sweet and thoughtful and romantic.

I've been married nearly 16 years and we're past "gifts" (although I would LOVE air conditioning :-) but always make a point of finding special cards and having a quiet dinner together. It doesn't sound exciting but it is very romantic.

Thanks for sharing Aleta!